【零浪費】 鳳梨皮冰茶 Zero Waste! Pineapple Peel Tea




As a Taiwanese, I am proud of the quality of our local pineapples. Sometimes they can be extremely sweet and juicy, full of flavor. Sometimes they can also be quite tangy and bite your tongue; my grandma likes this kind, but I am too weak for it.

Today I am going to show you how to use the pineapple peel and core to make yummy pineapple tea. It’s really nice to drink a glass in summer: cold and fruity with a refreshing tea flavor. It can also help you have a smooth toilet trip (if you know what I mean).

【食材 Ingredients】

  • 鳳梨 一顆 pineapple 1
  • 水 一公升 water 1 liter
  • 糖 250克(或更多)sugar 250g (or more, up to you)
  • 茶葉 3–4大匙* tea leaves 3–4 tablespoons (I used jasmine)


【作法 Steps】

  • 鳳梨皮跟心切下來(肉自己正常程序吃掉)放到鍋子裡 Put the pineapple peel and core in the pot
  • 加水到稍微淹過鳳梨 add enough water to slightly cover the pineapple
  • 加糖(很多)想要減糖也可以少加或不加,個人是覺得加糖比較好喝 add sugar. It will look a lot but it’s ok. If you prefer, you don’t have to add sugar, but I think it tastes better with sugar
  • 開火煮到滾,轉小火加蓋煮20分鐘 Heat it up until it boils, then simmer with a lid for 20 mins
  • 趁熱加茶葉,靜置冷卻之後轉移到冰箱冰鎮一晚 add the tea leaves, let it cool down and chill in the fridge overnight
  • 過濾茶渣與鳳梨皮即可牛飲 drain the leaves and pineapple and enjoy!

❤️ Follow my IG for more recipes: https://www.instagram.com/wenn.derkuchen/



蛋糕說話時屑屑請閉嘴 When the cake talks,

飲食人類學背景,現職廚師。目前住倫敦 food anthropologist/chef/writer