【食譜】西西里咖啡 Sparkling Limeade Iced Coffee or “Sicily Coffee”

Coffee mixed with sparkling water and lime juice?! Yay or nay?


You are not reading that wrong. In Taiwan, there is a very popular summer iced coffee drink called “Sicily Coffee”. It doesn’t have anything to do with the Italian island; the name just makes it sound more romantic.

This drink is a unique version of iced coffee, mixed with honey, lime, and sparkling water. I have been away from Taiwan for too long, and had not yet had the chance to try it, but I have seen lots of my Taiwanese friends sharing their Sicily coffees on IG, and it always seemed really popular.

This summer my friend (nicknamed “Little Grandma”) came to London, and she asked me “where can I find Sicily coffee?”. I thought this must be easy to find because it is everywhere in Taiwan, but then I realised, if this is so popular why have I never seen or heard anyone buy this from somewhere like Pret — lol.

After some investigation, I found out to my surprise that Sicily coffee is nothing European, but only popular in Taiwan and some other Asian places (actually, I’m not so sure where). In Taiwan, people always thought that this is something from Europe (probably Italy) — what a beautiful mistake, an innocent imagination can lead you so far wrong!

At first I had my doubts about this unusual concoction, but to make my friend happy I tried to make Sicily coffee at home. Actually, it turned out great and Little Grandma was very satisfied. She said it tasted just like it does in Taiwan (not Sicily, of course).

If you also have interest, do give it a try, and maybe this will become your new favorite summer drink! (I tried, and it is really not so strange)

Any Italians out there, what do you make of this? Do you add lime or lemon to coffee? Also, please don’t report me. At least I used a moka pot to cook the coffee.


經過一番與網友的經驗分享與討論,赫然發現西西里咖啡跟西西里根本沒什麼關係,是個在台灣流行但歐洲幾乎沒人在喝的新飲料 (大驚!新・月亮蝦餅?!),尤其義大利人*更是一頭霧水(我的義大利友人看我限動分享表示這輩子完全沒聽過可以把檸檬汁加到咖啡裡)(然後他要我在此借版重申,鳳梨加到披薩天誅地滅唯一死罪)




*有種咖啡叫做espresso romano,是把濃縮咖啡加檸檬汁或檸檬片,但此飲料在歐洲也並不常見。與台灣西西里喝冰的加氣泡水也有差異。

【材料 Ingredients】

/蜂蜜檸檬糖漿 lemon honey syrup/

1. 黃檸檬 lemons x2

2. 蜂蜜 honey 250ml

/西西里咖啡 the coffee/

*比例以300ml玻璃杯算 this ratio is for a 300ml glass

1.冰塊 ice cubes 120g

2.蜂蜜檸檬糖漿 lemon honey syrup 35ml

3.綠檸檬汁 lime juice ½–1 whole

4.氣泡水 sparkling water 40ml

5.摩卡壺濃縮咖啡 coffee from the moka pot 70ml

【作法 Steps】


1. Start by making the honey lemon syrup. Slice the lemons, place them in a clean jar, and fill the jar with honey, making sure the lemons are soaked in the honey. Let it stand for a day.

2. 300毫升的玻璃杯中裝入冰塊, 依序加入糖漿、新鮮檸檬汁(愛酸擠一顆愛甜半顆)、氣泡水,最後加入咖啡。即可看到美麗漸層。喝之前攪拌均勻

2. Put ice cubes in a 300ml glass, add syrup, fresh lime juice (squeeze once for sour and half for sweet), sparkling water, and finally the coffee.


  • 西西里也有需要雪克杯搖的版本,會有綿密泡泡。這邊我圖的是漸層的美麗視覺,喜歡泡泡版的可以自己搖一下
  • 有些人使用檸檬糖漿不用蜂蜜,看個人喜好。使用黃檸檬是因為綠檸檬切片比較容易發苦,黃檸檬不會。若只有綠檸檬可以刨皮再取肉與蜂蜜同漬
  • 咖啡我習慣用摩卡壺煮,相信不同來源與煮法的咖啡風味濃度皆不同,請自行調整其他材料比例。
  • 我有多刨一些新鮮檸檬皮屑進去增加香氣。也推薦刨葡萄柚皮,非常香(小阿嬤愛)

歡迎追蹤我的IG! Follow my Instagram for a full tutorial: https://www.instagram.com/wenn.derkuchen/



蛋糕說話時屑屑請閉嘴 When the cake talks,

飲食人類學背景,現職廚師。目前住倫敦 food anthropologist/chef/writer