【食譜】超簡單!自製西瓜煉乳剉冰 Viral Frozen Watermelon Shaved Ice




This viral frozen fruit shaved ice hack is everywhere this summer. First I am skeptical (like always), because a long time ago I already had similar stuff in a restaurant (the waiter shaved the fruit in front of you, very fancy), and at that time I did not find it as good as it looks like.

Anyway, this summer I tried frozen watermelon and I was completely amazed! The texture that comes out from grating is soft and fluffy with a distinctly intense watermelon flavor (of course, because it’s 100% pure watermelon 😂).

Sweetened condensed milk is like the icing on the cake. If your watermelon is already sweet, it’s actually delicious on its own. However, adding sweetened condensed milk takes it up to another level. Eating a bowl of shaved watermelon guarantees relief from the summer heat. I was shivering from the cold and even turned off the fan 😂😂.

【作法 Steps 】

1. 西瓜切厚片,冷凍到完全硬

2. 用刨絲板剉凍西瓜到杯子滿

3. 淋上煉乳即可享用!


  • 除了西瓜也可以剉草莓、芒果、桃子、鳳梨、奇異果等等,什麼都可以試試看。不過我覺得西瓜最好吃
  • 剉板選洞小的(不是剉蘿蔔糕的)(大洞也可只是口感可能有差)
  • 西瓜不要去皮,這樣比較好抓著施力,抓冷凍水果手會凍到蠻冷的,如果是跟小朋友一起操作,可以帶一層棉質工業手套+薄廚房手套,保護手不會凍傷+也不會被剉板刮傷
  • 裝刨冰的容器要乾燥,不然你剉西瓜下去一下就融化了喔
  • 不愛煉乳也推薦刨點檸檬皮+檸檬汁+糖漿,更加清爽!

Additional notes:

-Besides watermelon, you can also try strawberries, mangoes, peaches, pineapples, kiwis, and so on. You can experiment with anything. However, I find watermelon to be the best.

-Choose a grater with small holes (larger holes work too but might affect the texture).

-Don’t peel the watermelon; it’s easier to grip. Handling frozen fruit can make your hands quite cold. If you’re doing this with kids, you can wear a layer of cotton industrial gloves plus thin kitchen gloves to protect your hands from freezing and from getting scraped by the grater.

-Make sure the container for the shaved ice is dry; otherwise, your grated watermelon will melt quickly.

-If you don’t like sweetened condensed milk, I recommend grating some lemon zest, adding lemon juice and syrup for a fresher taste!

More recipes 更多食譜與日常分享請看IG:https://www.instagram.com/wenn.derkuchen/



蛋糕說話時屑屑請閉嘴 When the cake talks,

飲食人類學背景,現職廚師。目前住倫敦 food anthropologist/chef/writer