【食譜】Coriander lime chili noodle 香檸辣拌麵


I was a bit suspicious when I first saw the coriander lime chili noodle on Instagram. It may look Asian, but it doesn’t seem to have any connection to the Taiwanese dried noodles I am more familiar with . It’s difficult for me to imagine the flavor. Can it really be that good?

One day, unable to resist my curiosity, I decided to give it a try. And wow, it was really good! The lime juice and coriander balanced out the greasiness of the chili oil. Paired with properly chewy noodles, it made for a very satisfying breakfast (yes, I love having noodles for breakfast).

If you’re not a fan of coriander, you can replace it with spring onion. The only important thing is to choose good quality noodles (please avoid egg noodles).




【Ingredients 材料】

麵 dried noodle 1 portion (not recommend to use egg noodle, too soft)

朝天椒粉 chili flakes 1tsp 茶匙

糖 sugar ½ tsp 茶匙

蠔油 oyster sauce (or vegetarin oyster sauce) 1tsp 茶匙

醬油 light soy sauce½ Tsp 湯匙

鹽 salt ⅛ tsp 茶匙

紅蔥頭 shallot 20g

蒜泥 minced garlic 1 clove

檸檬汁 lime juice ½–1 piece

香菜 coriander 隨意 as much as you like

蔬菜油 vegetable oil 20–30ml

【Steps 作法】


Finely slice the shallot and mince the garlic. Choose a heat-resistant bowl and add all the ingredients except lime juice and oil (add coriander stems first).

2. 把油加熱到微微冒煙(⚠️注意不要加熱過度,會冒很多煙),一口氣澆到步驟ㄧ的碗裡。

Heat the oil until it starts to smoke slightly (⚠️Be careful not to overheat, as it will produce a lot of smoke), then pour it into the bowl from step one.

3. 麵煮熟,加到碗裡攪拌,擠檸檬汁,撒上剩餘香菜即可

Cook the noodle, add into the bowl and give them a good stir. Add the remaining coriander and squeeze lime juice. Enjoy!

Follow my IG 影片完整教學:https://www.instagram.com/wenn.derkuchen/



蛋糕說話時屑屑請閉嘴 When the cake talks,

飲食人類學背景,現職廚師。目前住倫敦 food anthropologist/chef/writer