
極簡成長 | 平靜力量
長期心態 2024
Published in
2 min readMar 25, 2024


Photo by Melanie Dijkstra on Unsplash

內向與平靜有關嗎? 這需要思考一下。

平靜生活對我來說,是對藝術的愛、對創意的喜歡、和燭光聊天的朋友交流。「發現同類」和「鍛鍊身體」,都能使我更開心。例如: 為老靈魂寫圖文、鍛鍊身體是即時幸福的練習。


重塑自己的過程比想像中的還要困難,但是慢慢地這個安靜可愛、充滿愛心的 7 歲小女孩重新出現,她的雙手充滿了更豐富更深刻的目標。我只好從社會的階梯跳下來才能找到她。如果有人陷入公司職業的洗禮並感到痛苦,希望這能對你能有所啟發。擺脫社會階級制度需要很大的勇氣,也需要身邊人的支持。想像一下,我們正在為像我們這樣,不想再辜負靈魂的其他物種創造安全的空間。要如何才能釋放「安靜可愛、有愛心的 7 歲小女孩(或男孩)」,我想是追求「更豐富、更深層的目標」。


“Is introversion related to calm? This needs some thought.

For me, a calm life involves loving art, enjoying creativity, and communicating with friends by candlelight.
“Finding peers” and “exercising the body” both make me happier. For example, writing articles for old souls and exercising are instant happiness practices.

At a basic level, we all need to go out and make a living. This need for financial balance may lead us to have pseudo goals. Because we have to earn money to support ourselves and our families, which is a valuable and legitimate goal, we sometimes confuse our achievements. We may think that as long as we master various skills (such as customer service, spreadsheets, management techniques), we can achieve happiness, neglecting the values that nourish the soul and higher goals, such as self-discovery, pursuing love, and truth.

In an ideal world, we can use our tools according to our soul values, but they are not the same thing, which is why there is inconsistency between the tools we acquire and the callings of our soul. Many people feel conflicting desires between society’s definition of “success” and “being true to oneself.”

Is not making a lot of money a failure, or is it because of betraying one’s soul?

The process of reshaping oneself is even more difficult than imagined, but slowly, this quiet, lovely, loving 7-year-old girl reappears, her hands filled with richer and deeper goals. I had to jump off the ladder of society to find her. If someone is trapped in the baptism of corporate careers and feels pain, I hope this can inspire you. Breaking free from the social hierarchy requires great courage and the support of those around you. Imagine that we are creating a safe space for other species like us who don’t want to betray their souls anymore. How can we release the “quiet, lovely, loving 7-year-old girl (or boy)”? I think it is to pursue “richer and deeper goals.”

I hope we can all find inner peace.

關於作者 | Nicole

認為寫作與品牌, 是這個時代的優勢。

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極簡成長 | 平靜力量
長期心態 2024

週報作家、圖像記錄員、極簡成長引路人。善用文字和視覺圖像傳遞重要訊息,撰寫關於: 自我肯定 ∣ 長期心態|第二曲線 的文章。利用寫作研究複雜理論,任務是幫助人們思考自己的生活方式。