E.B. White論民主

Published in
2 min readJul 25, 2018

讀E.B. White The Meaning Of Democracy

民主就是要不斷懷疑,「超過半數的人在過半的時間裡都是正確的」這套講法。(Photo Credit: Quotefancy)

E.B. White 是我其中一個最喜歡的美國作家。他的The Elements of Style仍是我英文寫作的重要參考。以下一段他寫給The New Yorker有關民主的講法非常生動,節錄如下:

We received a letter from the Writers’ War Board the other day asking for a statement on “The Meaning of Democracy.” It presumably is our duty to comply with such a request, and it is certainly our pleasure.

Surely the Board knows what democracy is. It is the line that forms on the right. It is the don’t in don’t shove. It is the hole in the stuffed shirt through which the sawdust slowly trickles; it is the dent in the high hat. Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more than half of the people are right more than half of the time. It is the feeling of privacy in the voting booths, the feeling of communion in the libraries, the feeling of vitality everywhere. Democracy is a letter to the editor. Democracy is the score at the beginning of the ninth. It is an idea which hasn’t been disproved yet, a song the words of which have not gone bad. It’s the mustard on the hot dog and the cream in the rationed coffee. Democracy is a request from a War Board, in the middle of a morning in the middle of a war, wanting to know what democracy is.

— E. B. White

這一段,也被Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt的新作How Democracies Die引用了,也是一本講民主理念的佳作,有機會再講。



