來去香蕉過假日Weekends in Banana Co-living

香蕉同居中 Banana Co-living
6 min readJul 1, 2018


How do you spend your weekend? Maybe sleeping in, enjoying your Sunday brunch with your cozy pajamas, or transforming glamorously into Cinderella on Friday night and changing back to your office outfit as soon as the midnight bell rings.


In Banana Co-living, there are roommates from various of backgrounds, no matter how you want to spend your weekend, we can always try to find the common passion of a group of people, making your weekend a little more rewarding. Unlike living alone by yourself, you can alway find a company to take on a small adventure, making home more than a place to stay, but a stream of memories and experience.




Dried flower bouquet has become pretty pricy as it’s popularity grows. A couple of tenants joined to invite a florist to teach everyone some common knowledge about dried flowers and how to make them. In the events, roommates get to see each others creative side and make the bond of the community grow stronger.



If you ever get bored of exercising alone, grab your roommates to travel back in the 80’s to a bowling alley where your parent might spent their youth and get your workout done! In the bowling alley which has been here for over half a century, people getting the retro vibe with some 80’s tunes with the scoreboard that doesn’t really work and have a piece of great memory in this time capsule.

走到哪裡,香蕉就是你的家Wherever you go, Banana Co-living can be your home

雖然不住在從小長大的家裡了,但不是有句話這麼說:Home is where the heart is. 在二三十歲這半生不熟的歲月裡,我們在這心之所向揮霍青春,點起蠟燭放肆的慶祝時間在生命留下痕跡,繼續當個孩子;我們也能在這學習長大,開始從記憶資料庫尋找孩提時家的味道,讓孩子版的自己教自己如何成為大人。

People always say that home is where your heart is. In the 20s and 30s of our life, when we are so far away from our childhood, yet not fully arrived to adulthood, we put our hearts in lighting up candles and celebrating youth as if we were still kids, and learning to grow through memories our family gave us in our childhood at the same time.


Coming here in Banana Co-living, maybe simply spending time together is the best way to spend weekends, and build a place with memories as bricks where we call home.

