
香蕉同居中 Banana Co-living
2 min readApr 25, 2018


In Taipei, having a small piece of terrace is like having a piece of sky. Tenants can do some gardening, or let your blanket and body soak up the sun when blessed with nice weather. Ever since the co-living apartment was a hostel, having BBQ party every summer is like a tradition, and we’re continuing making the best use of the terrace, having great weekend summer party with the housemates!

台北的夏天真的是會熱死人的程度,空氣裡被加熱的水珠直接貼在皮膚上,讓人厭世程度馬上爆表。幾個水桶和玩具水槍就是你的消暑好朋友,低成本又能玩得開心。來吧!趁著夏天還沒真的來, 週日午後與室友啜飲冰涼啤酒,在天臺烤肉一起Chill。

Summer in Taipei is unbearably hot. All the tiny warm water drops in the air just sticks onto your skin, and the cheapest and the most efficient way to get rid of it is with some buckets and water guns. So before summer officially arrive, let’s get prepared in the Sunday afternoon with some cold beer and BBQ, we have a long summer ahead of us!

|Come co-live with us|

Email: bananacoliving@gmail.com
Mobile: +886 913 327 763
Facebook: 香蕉同居中 Banana Co-living
IG: @bananacoliving

