[松江X社群]香蕉同居中辦公室開幕 Opening of Banana Co-living: SongJian Office

香蕉同居中 Banana Co-living
7 min readMay 8, 2018


The office of Banana Co-living had moved to a new location for a while now, but we recently complete the moving by changing the sign and adding the company name on the wall. Every time Lexi and Wilbur finish decorating a new space, a opening party is a must. It’s a gathering of old friends and a great opportunity to share thoughts about the space. On the opening day, either old or new friends came, sitting along sides with sharing co-living experiences and ideas.



從2012年開始,香蕉同居中的前身-香蕉客人Banana Cute落成,原本只是一間能容納十人的小公寓,Lexi 與Wilbur細心接待每一個到訪的旅客,隔年搬到了現在是東門co-living的三層樓小公寓,雖然和後來台北雨後春筍的許多青旅相比,仍然規模不大,延續Cute時期那樣,像接待朋友一樣接待客人的方式還是在許多旅人心底留下了印象吧!2015年底,Banana Hostel 得到了Hostelword年度台灣第一與亞洲第三名,但當時台北市區已充滿新潮又美輪美奐的青年旅館了,2016年中,一間友好的青旅即將歇業,Lexi 與Wilbur接手改造成現在的中山co-living,同時建立了香蕉同居中這個共居空間品牌。從Hostel到Co-living,中間的核心還是創造社群與交流,2018年初,香蕉同居中把同樣的核心搬移到了新辦公室。


Before Banana co-living, the space was once a photography studio, the window of the space let plenty of sunlights come in, which is perfect for indoor gardening. The white walls of the studio are kept, leaving the space a fresh and lively style.

From 2012, Banana Hostel was a tiny apartment that only hosted 10 guest. The owner Lexi and Wilbur host everyone as if they are friends. The next year, the hostel relocated to a three storied apartment where Banana Co-living: Dongmen is now. Comparing to other hostels which sprang out in Taipei later on, the hostel was still relatively small, but Lexi and Wilbur still carried on the way they treat every guests in Banana Cute, and it left good impressions on the travellers. In 2015, Banana Hostel won 1st place in Taiwan and 3rd place in Asia in Hostelworld annual award, but Taipei is already over crowded with stylish and comfortable hostels at the time. In mid 2016, a hostel was about to close, Lexi and Wilbur took over and turned it into Banana Co-living, which is Banana Co-living: ZhongShan now. From hostel to co-living, many things were changed, but the cores which is the connection and the community that they build is still there and move to the new office along with them.

The original plan for the studio was turning it to another co-living apartment. But the space have more potential than leaving it exclusively to the tenants for living. So Banana Co-living made it to a multifunctional office, with kitchen, lounging area and a terrace which is perfect for BBQ. The space is suitable for book clubs, meetings, crafty events. The office is already booked for a dried flowers making event this May.


|Come co-live with us|
Email: bananacoliving@gmail.com
Mobile: +886 913 327 763
Facebook: 香蕉同居中 Banana Co-living
IG: @bananacoliving

