José Argüelles 編年史:著作年序

19 min readJul 11, 2018

有許地方都有列出 Jose 的著作,但都不按照時序,只好嘗試整埋一下。為甚麼我會如此堅持排序?因為我相信每個人在不同時期寫的東西是有著不同意義的,所以無論是小冊子、出版物,還只是 PDF 我認為都要按年份來看,才可以真正了解作者的思路。因書名多是英文,所有重印或轉換出版社資訊都使用英文,但如有爭議,則會使用中文補充。

( )為譯名英文原名,事實性註解或港台版本
【 】為個人觀感

Mandala, Co-author Miriam Arguelles, 1974, Shambhala Publications. Republished and Foreword Chogyam Trungpa, October 17, 1995, Shambhala Publications. ISBN-10: 1570621209, ISBN-13: 978–1570621208

Charles Henry and the Formation of a Psychophysical Aesthetic, October 31, 1974, University of Chicago Press. ISBN-10: 0226027589, ISBN-13: 978–0226027586

The Transformative Vision: Reflections on the Nature and History of Human Expression, 1975, Shambhala Publications. Republished March 1, 1992, Deborah Haight; 1st Muse publications ed edition. This richly detailed and encyclopedic text from the 70’s demonstrates the workings of the law of time as a brilliantly conceived and whole systems analysis of the history of human expression. Includes the original application of the prophecy of Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells, as well as Yeats’ 28-based Vision. Truly visionary history, to be studied and contemplated. ISBN-10: 0963175009, ISBN-13: 978–0963175007

The Feminine ( Spacious as the Sky ), co-author Miriam Arguelles, 1977, Shambhala Publications. Reprint February 1978. ISBN-10: 0877731136 ISBN-13: 978–0877731139

The Art Planet Chronicles: The Making of the Fifth Ring, received in 1981 and released for Free to the whole Planet Art Network (PAN) in 1996, spiral bound. Republished October 30, 2014, Foundation for the Law of Time. The original Arcturus transmission, received and transcribed in 1981, provides the back ground love story that engendered the Rainbow Bridge Project. Told in alternating male and female tapelogs, blending history, myth, and future vision, this tale, “culled from the Annals of the Arcturian Archives” is actually a love story of the Planet Art Network (PAN) for our time. ISBN-10: 0986200506 ISBN-13: 978–0986200502

Earth Ascending: An Illustrated Treatise on Law Governing Whole Systems, 1984, Shambhala Publications. Republished January 1, 1988 and 1996, Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Mind-bending maps of intricate order and detail pronouncing the relation between our DNA, the I Ching, the Mayan sacred calendar, and the geopsychic evolution of the human species. This pioneer text establishes the resonant field paradigm as the science of the future. Functions as a conceptual backbone to support on-going participation in The 20 Tablets of the Law of Time and the Rinri Project, and all other formulations of the law of time. ISBN-10: 0939680459, ISBN-13: 978–0939680450

Earth Shaman: The Voyage Beyond History ( Original Manuscript ) ( PDF ), Foundation for the Law of Time make available for download at unknown date, paid download.【時間法則基金會網頁說此書是 1983 年出版,但在產品網頁說的是 1984 年】

Earth Shift Live From Planet Earth ( Audio, Cassette ), Sounds True. ( Two cassette tape sets in one clamshell case. Earth Shift contains 4 tapes, and Live from Planet Earth has 4 tapes parts 9–12 ). ASIN: B00462G5WK

The Mayan Factor: Path Beyond Technology, April 1, 1987 and 1996, Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. This now-classic best-seller provides rich understanding of the Ancient Maya’s role as galactic navigators. Mystical and prophetic, layered with scholarly research, this book offers tangible examination of the sacred mystery of the Mayan Great Cycle: 3113 B.C. to 2012 A.D., exploring the true role of this calendar as a guide for the shaping and evolution of humanity. From history to cycle, this profound reference is full of specifics and time maps. ISBN-10: 0939680386 ISBN-13: 978–0939680382

Surfers of the Zuvuya: Tales of Interdimensional Travel, 1988, Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. 2nd Original ed. edition August 1, 1988, Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. Zuvuya is the Mayan term for the big memory circuit… the memory hotline. It works individually and collectively. Most importantly, it connects equally to the future as well as the past. The Zuvuya is the interdimensional thread. The Zuvuya is the wave, and to surf this wave is to be at the dynamic crest that interfaces our 3rd-dimensional physical reality with the reality of the 4th-dimension. ISBN-10: 0939680556, ISBN-13: 978–0939680559

The Discovery of the Law of Time. T(E) = Art, co-author Lloydine Arguelles, 1997, Planet Art Network. Following a meticulous seven year comprehensive field study and research into every aspect of the discovery of the natural, 13:20, and artificial, 12:60, timing frequencies, the Law of Time is the masterful result. T(E)=ART, Energy factored by Time equals Art, supersedes in every way the Theory of Relativity as the benchmark of human knowledge. Out of Print Now. View on Historical Tortuga’s website.

The Thirteen Moon Calendar, co-author Lloydine Arguelles, 1990–2000 Produced world-wide in more than 20 countries worldwide, Planet Art Network. Out of Print Now

Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013, co-author Lloydine Arguelles, 1990–1991, Chelsea Pacific. Republished 1992, Interlink Productions. Earth, it’s not a spaceship, but a timeship. This break through educational game format provides complete proofs of the radial matrix of fourth-dimensional time, and includes tools such as the Galactic Compass for translating any date on the 365-day, solar-lunar calendar into the galactic, fourth-dimensional timing cycle of 260 days. This tool kit and set of proofs was always intended as a gift for all of humanity, never to be commercially sold. 10,000 English and 10,000 Spanish kits were produced and given away, 1991–1992. In addition many groups in Latin America, North America, and other parts of the world are now following the Thirteen Moon Calendar. Out of Print Now.【各位看官留意,這個產品是由香港 Interlink Productions 製作,香港製造頂瓜瓜!】

Thirteen Moons in Motion: A Dreamspell Primer, co-author Lloydine Arguelles, 1992 & 1997, Planet Art Network. Rediscovery of the thirteen moon calendar was one of the fruits of the Arguelles’ into the calendar and mathematics of the ancient Maya of Central America. This calendar synchronizes solar and galactic cycles on July 26, and hence, this is the New Year’s Day for the new time. Each moon has a power, action and quality which, taken all together, form an annual pattern of collective behavior called a “planetary service wavespell.” Also including historical context and analysis, comes equipped with annual pocket calendar. Original version Out of Print now, someone put it in Yumpu. Foundation for the Law of Time republished ( PDF ) at unknown date, free download.

The Story of Time: The Story of Turtle and Tree, Originally published under Historical Tortuga’s website. Waiting to be republished by Foundation for the Law of Time, but someone put the old version on youtube and Yumpu.

Telektonon, Prophecy of Pacal Votan, 1994, Planet Art Network. Received on the morning of July 26, 1993. Available on The Foundation for the Law of Time.

The Arcturus Probe: Tales and Reports of an Ongoing Investigation, December 12, 1996, Light Technology Publishing. Arcturian involvement with our system began over three million years ago when a space colony, a galactic way station, was established on Velatropa 24.4, otherwise known as Mars. Explore the tales of the Arcturus Probe through the transmissions of the Mars experience to the neighboring blue planet, Velatropa 24.3 — Earth, where a more cautiously and intelligently supervised “repeat performance” would be played out in a continuing investigation of which we are all a part. ISBN-10: 0929385756, ISBN-13: 978–0929385754

Telektonon The Game of Prophecy, co-author Lloydine Arguelles, 1995, Interlink Productions. Designed in 1994. The Telektonon demonstrates that every 28 days, thirteen times a year, is a path of knowledge and telepathy that leads beyond history and takes us from the third to the fourth dimension. Accompanying this game which establishes the new cosmology of time and science of telepathy, is the prophecy of Pacal Votan (AD 603–683).The wisdom of the Mayan sage encompasses all religion and specifically refers to the renovation of the biosphere during the last seven years of this century through the first thirteen years of the new Millennium.

Telektonon of Pacal Votan, co-author Lloydine Arguelles, 1995, Interlink Productions. Received between 1993–1994. Designed in 1994.

Galactic Human Handbook: Entering the New Time — Creating Planetary Groups, co-author Sheldon Nidle, December 1995, Altea Publishing. (Part 1 was written by Sheldan Nidle, and a printing error resulted in some missing and duplicated pages in Part 1 of some early editions.) ISBN-10: 0952455552, ISBN-13: 978–0952455554

World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement Plan, co-author Lloydine Argüelles, 1995, Planet Art Network. This pamphlet contains the text of the plan for calendar change presented to the United Nations in 1995, on the occasion of it’s 50th Anniversary, detailing the Pax Cultura Pax Biospherica 5 year plan, the basis of the mission of the Foundation for the Law of Time. Out of Print now.

The Call of Pacal Votan: Time is the Fourth Dimension, 1st Edition Thus edition February 1996, Altea Publishing. ( Working Title: Treastise on Time Viewed from its Own Dimension ) Straight-forward and scientific, this text presents the suppressed history of humanitys’ relationship to time, illustrating the illogical nature of the 12-month Gregorian calendar and its use as a mechanism for socio-economic control. Arguellues includes indepth advocacy for adopting the 13 Moon Calendar, plus detailed insights into the multiple-leveled harmonies of this system. ISBN-10: 0952455560, ISBN-13: 978–0952455561

A Complete Guide to the Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement, co-author Lloydine Argüelles, 1996, Planet Art Network. One of the original texts describing the origin, reasons and structure for the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement and the Planet Art Network(PAN). The guide walks the reader through the current social and political problems of human culture and the biosphere, and provides solutions in the form of new biospherically conscious managing structures like the PAN and the PCC (Planetary Calendar Councils). Provided as well are the original schedules for planetary reorganization and social reform through the timing frequencies of the Thirteen Moon Calendar and the Tzolkin. This guide is an excellent compliment to the Galactic Culture Master Plan. Out of Print now. View on Historical Tortuga’s website.

The Complete Guide to the Galactic Culture Master Plan, co-author Lloydine Argüelles, 1996, Planet Art Network. By redefining many cultural terms and misconceptions, the Galactic Culture Master Plan provides a template for the conversion of the monetary system and the reorganization of economic structures around the globe. Addressing issues such as: knowledge withholding, contrasting 12:60 vs 13:20 values, and solidifying galactic culture community living on Earth, this guide is a glimpse into a possible empowered human future. Out of Print now. View on Historical Tortuga’s website.

The Complete Guide to the First Planetary Congress of Biospheric Rights, co-author Lloydine Arguelles, 1996, Planet Art Network. Within the planet’s biosphere the human species, operating within artificial and mechanistic timing devices, is the only species out of phase with the biosphere, and, therefore in violation of the unifying law of natural time. Presented and formalized in Brazilia, Brazil, 1996, the new covenant and resolutions of biospheric rights is ground-breaking in scope and reach in socio-political reform. Out of Print now. View on Historical Tortuga’s website.

Pacal Votan and Judgement Day: The Second Qur’anic Dispensation, 1996, Planet Art Network. An intricate interweaving of the suras of the Qur’an (Koran), the wisdom of Buddha, and the prophecies of the Maya, this “Judgement Day Testimony” of Jose Arguelles is the first expression of the fundamentals of the Universal Religion on Earth. This synthesizing set of reflections, utilizing the Holy Qur’an as the guide for evaluating human spiritual development, offers complete background information to the prophecy of Pacal Votan. The spiritual basis of the peace plan. Out of Print now.

A Complete Guide to the Rinri Project, Circumpolar Rainbow Bridge Experiment, Planet Art Network, 1996. The Rinri Project is a highly coordinated four-year global project in planetary telepathy that tests the new science of time and makes full use of the Telektonon (the 28-day cycle) and the Dreamspell (the 260-day cycle). The Rinri project is to telepathy what the Manhattan project was to the atomic bom. This daily practice is as much a spiritual discipline as it is a scientific experiment. Guaranteed to reprogram your intelligence, and blow our planet’s mind with the realization of the circumpolar Rainbow Bridge! Includes two 11x17 inch color posters. Out of Print now. Foundation for the Law of Time republished ( PDF ) at unknown date, free download.

Newsletter of the Rinri Project from 2004–2110 can be found in Foundation for the Law of Time.

The UR Papers: Documents and Appeals for a Council of Universal Religion, 1996–2001.

The World Congress on the Law of Time and Judgement Day Tribunal, co-author Lloydine Arguelles, 1997, Planet Art Network. This was a definitive event establishing the World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement as a dively mandated force for evolutionary change. Through articulating the Law of Time in its moral evaluative as well as all of its scientific and social aspects, the Congress was able to begin the human process of emerging from the automatic conditioned control of the cosmic unconscious to the freedom and spiritual liberation of the cosmic conscious. Out of Print now.

The 20 Tablets of the Law of Time: Sixteen Year Telektonon Cube of the Law (1997–2013), co-author Lloydine Arguelles, Planet Art Network, 1997. This body of information is designed to be explored as a 16-year meditation/study practice that activates conscious DNA evolution by aligning with a new dispensation use of the 64 I-Ching hexagrams. The 20 Tablets reveal a harmonious, radial pattern which links past, present, and future, holding guidance for humanity’s emergence into the New Creation. Illustrated 11x17 tablets come with a 128 page instruction manual. Out of Print now.

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The 260 Postulates of the Dynamics of Time and the Evolution of Time as Consciousness, Planet Art Network, 1997. This is a volume of meditation on the nature of celestial harmonics, time travel, and the higher levels of organization of 4th-dimensional time. Divided into 20 chapters of 13 postulates, each postulate correlates to one of the 260 kin of the Tzolkin. An excellent tool for daily synchronization with deeper layers of the Tzolkin, as well as a philosophical reference on the Law of Time. Foundation for the Law of Time republished ( PDF ) at 2004, free download location 1, location 2.

Principia Mathematica of the Fourth Dimension, 1997, Planet Art Network. The sequel to “The Dynamics of Time,” this small yet potent volume establishes the mathematical cosmology of the fourth dimension {0–19=13:20}. Besides the educationally graded, annotated bibliography presentation of basic mathematical principles, this text includes the mathematical proofs behind the relationships within the wavespell and the harmonics and chromatics of the 20 solar tribes. Excellent for help in cross-referencing and researching. Foundation for the Law of Time republished ( PDF ) at unknown date, free download.

7:7::7:7 Telektonon Revelation: Radial Matrix-Plasma Universe Model Nying-Thig Terma of Mayan Galactic Time. The Prophecy Cycle of Chilam Balam Complete. The Triumph of Ur, 1998, Interlink Productions. The crown of the Law of Time, unlocking the quantum physics of telepathy. The presentation of the Plasma Universe — Radial Matrix Model, is also a daily meditation practice emphasizing fractal time compression. “This is a whole system science where mind is an integral and interactive component investigating a universe of continuous plasmic creation and infinitely cyclical now-centered correspondences.” Complete with a full-color gameboard, 28 cards and an 85-page instruction manual. Out of Print now. Foundation for the Law of Time republished instruction manual ( PDF ) at unknown date, free download.

Calendar Reform and the Future of Civilization, Preparatory Reflections by José and Lloydine Argüelles for the World Summit on Peace and Time (Costa Rica, 1999). View on Historical Tortuga’s website.

World Summit on Peace and Time, co-author Lloydine Arguelles, 1999, Spiral Bound, Planet Art Network. This is the key document presenting the Declaration of Calendar Reform and Seven Supporting Resolutions which were the result of the momentous event which occurred at the University for Peace, Costa Rica, in the Summer of 1999, and then presented to the Vatican and the United Nations. Also included is the comprehensive position paper, “Calendar Reform and the Future of Civilization.” View on Historical Tortuga’s website.

World Summit on Peace and Time, Summary, Review, and Conclusions, 1999, Planet Art Network.

The Holy Qur’an and the Law of Time: 19 = 260. Waiting to be republished by Foundation for the Law of Time.

28 Meditations on the Law of Time: Earth Wizard’s Seminary, co-author Lloydine Arguelles, 1999–2000, Planet Art Network. The perfect guide to the Earth Wizards 7-Day Intensive Video Set! With over 550 pages of text and illustrations this is the most comprehensive, up to date text by Jose and Lloydine Arguelles, detailing all levels of the Law of TIme from the basic 13-Moon Calendar to the advanced 7:7::7:7. These 28 teachings were imparted at a 7-week Earth Wizard Seminary held in Chile, with the intentions of training people to become fluent in the multi-dimensional, simultaneous over-laying practices that are available as a result of the unfolding of the law of time. A library in itself. Foundation for the Law of Time republished ( PDF ) at unknown date, raw version free download. Someone put the booklet version on Scribd.

Earth Wizard 7-Day Intensive Video Set, 2000, Planet Art Network. 28 hours of video which documents the 7-Day Intensive presented by Jose Arguelles — Valum Votan and Lloydine Arguelles — Bolon Ik in Oregon, 2000. These professionally produced videos reveal the urgency and unprecedented change that is needed of us as a species in this moment. Out of Stock now.

The Campaign for the New Time, co-author Lloydine Arguelles. Science Demonstrates a New Time of Peace on Earth for Humanity. View Booklet on Historical Tortuga’s website.

Time and the Technosphere: The Law of Time in Human Affairs, Original ed. edition August 3, 2002, Inner Traditions/Bear & Company. ISBN-10: 1879181991, ISBN-13: 978–1879181991

Stopping Time (and Getting on with the Second Creation), A Thirteen Moon Primer, 2004, Foundation for the Law of Time. ( PDF ) free download location 1, location 2.

Book of the Throne: Cosmic History Chronicles Volume I — The Law of Time and the Reformulation of the Human Mind, co-author Stephanie South, July 26, 2004, Law of Time Press. ISBN-10: 0976775980, ISBN-13: 978–0976775980.【時間法則基金會網頁說此書是 2005 年出版,但在 Amazon 產品網頁說的是 2004年】

Living Through the Closing of the Cycle, A Survival Guide for the Road to 2012, 2004, Foundation for the Law of Time. ( PDF ) free download location 1, location 2.

Seven Years Mystery of the Stone — Resurrection of the Soul in Time (2004–2011) ( BOXED SET ), 2005, Law of Time Press.

Galactic Meditation and Arcturian Folk Songs ( Audio ), July 26, 2005, Law of Time Press.

Book of Avatar: Cosmic History Chronicles Volume II — Harmonic History, Cosmic Science and the Descent of the Divine. Time and Cosmos: History the Relative Pole, co-author Stephanie South, 2006, Law of Time Press. ISBN-10: 0978592409, ISBN-13: 978–0978592400

Book of the Mystery: Cosmic History Chronicles Volume III — Time and Art: Art as the Expression of the Absolute, co-author Stephanie South, 2006, Law of Time Press. ISBN-10: 0978592417, ISBN-13: 978–0978592417【時間法則基金會網頁說此書是 2007 年出版,但在 Amazon 產品網頁說的是 2006 年】

Book of the Initiation: Cosmic History Chronicles Volume IV — Time & The Hidden Order, Consciousness & Its Transmission, co-author Stephanie South, 2006, Law of Time Press. ISBN-10: 0976775905, ISBN-13: 978–0976775904【時間法則基金會網頁說此書是 2008 出版,但在 Amazon 產品網頁說的是 2006 年】

Master Synchronic Code Book, 2007, Foundation for the Law of Time. ( PDF ) free download, location 1, location 2.

Synchronotron, 2007, Foundation for the Law of Time. ( PDF and learning materials) free download.

Book of the Timespace: Cosmic History Chronicles Volume V, co-author Stephanie South, August 28, 2009, Law of Time Press. ISBN-10: 0978592425, ISBN-13: 978–0978592424

Book of the Transcendence: Cosmic History Chronicles Volume VI, co-author Stephanie South, September 27, 2010, Law of Time Press. ISBN-10: 0978592433, ISBN-13: 978–0978592431

Book of the Cube: Cosmic History Chronicles Volume VII, July 1, 2011, Law of Time Press. ISBN-10: 0978592492, ISBN-13: 978–0978592493

Manifesto for the Noosphere: The Next Stage in the Evolution of Human Consciousness, EVOLVER EDITIONS; Original edition September 6, 2011, North Atlantic Books (Manifesto Series). Republished 2012,, Limited. ISBN-10: 158394303X, ISBN-13: 978–1583943038

Galactic Meditation: Entering the Synchronic Order ( Kindle Edition ), March 16, 2011, Law of Time Press; 1 edition, sold by Amazon Digital Services LLC Text-to-Speech Enabled. Foundation for the Law of Time make available for download at unknown date, paid download. 【時間法則基金會網頁說此書是 2004 年出版,但除此以外沒有其他資料佐證,故還是放在 2011年】

13:20 Planetary Geomancy, co-author Stephanie South, 2013, published under Foundation for the Law of Time website. Excerpt from Book of the Transcendence: Cosmic History Chronicles Volume VI. Foundation for the Law of Time. ( PDF ) free download.

Synchrogalactic Yoga, co-author Stephanie South, 2013, published under Foundation for the Law of Time website. Excerpt from Book of the Transcendence: Cosmic History Chronicles Volume VI. Foundation for the Law of Time. ( PDF ) free download.





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