
Ava Chang
Published in
4 min readApr 23, 2020

之前在Muskoka的旅行,去當地人推薦的餐廳,吃到barley soup大麥仁蔬菜湯和flat bread 扁麵包讓我念念不忘。

剛好冰箱空得只剩一顆洋蔥、一顆甜椒,就吵著閣曼叫他煮蔬菜番茄醬讓我來做flat bread 。他用兩罐蕃茄罐頭,煮了很大一鍋,也順便拌成紅醬義大利麵冷凍起來帶便當。

閣曼家常蕃茄紅醬做法 How to make the salsa:

1️⃣洋蔥、蒜頭切碎。倒油鍋中把碎洋蔥和碎蒜頭炒到軟。Chop onions and garlic. Pan fry them in a pot.

2️⃣碎甜椒和碎青蔥倒入鍋中,炒到軟。(有什麼蔬菜都可以加)Add chopped veggies into the same pot.

3️⃣蕃茄罐頭倒進去。用新鮮蕃茄最好,只是我們剛好沒有。而且用蕃茄罐頭就是很偷吃步這樣。Add canned tomato in the pot. If you have fresh tomatoes, that's perfect.

4️⃣把所有調味料加進去。閣曼放的調味料如照片中:醃甜椒、醃橄欖、capers 醃續隨子(?)和胡椒。Use all the seasoning in the picture.

5️⃣然後加水熬煮到收汁。如果沒有加水很快會鍋底燒焦。最後試吃味道,再決定加鹽加糖的量。Remember to add some water in the pot prevent from burning.

用我們的電爐大概煮了2個小時吧!這時候就很希望家裡有燒柴的火爐,邊取暖邊煮菜。烹煮美食真的很消耗資源哪!Slow cooking for about 2 hours, then that's the delicious salsa.


Ava隨性餅皮作法 How to make the dough:

1️⃣ 麵粉加水,揉到麵團不沾手的地步。我這輩子只成就過兩三次「三光-手光、鍋光、麵團發光」而已。還需要多練習才能到達麵團零廢棄的地步。
Mix flour and water.

2️⃣ 想說要增加麵團的營養度,我也在麵團裡面混了黑芝麻和閣曼買很久都吃不完的Maca粉。
I put some sesames and maca powder in the dough as well.

Add some oil in the dough, so it won’t be too dry.

Shape the dough to fit your plate.
Then add the salsa on the top of the dough and put them in the oven about 20 minutes or more in 350 F degrees.

I didn’t put any aluminum paper or cookies paper under it. It didn’t stick at all. Or, you can put a non-stick Fiberglass paper under it.

怕沾黏的話,可以墊不沾布。 : )




Ava Chang

鴨子Ava~ 台灣苗栗人,現居多倫多。2017正式開始幼教人生 。2019正式開始零廢棄人生。目前在黑糖笑樹寫著自己的零廢棄生活實驗。