Ava Chang
Published in
4 min readDec 15, 2019


【零廢棄生活】萬用精華液Zero Waste Essential

回收塑膠瓶+廚房生廚餘= 零廢棄生活精華液

Recycle Plastic Bottles +Fruit Peels= Zero Waste Essential


I use this essential for body wash, hair wash, skincare, conditioner, laundry, mopping, cleaning, air freshener, gardening fertilizer.

這瓶精華液其實就是坊間說的『環保酵素稀釋液』啦!很多人爭議其實他不一定有酵素的成分,且訪間的環保酵素把神話化也引起了很多反對聲音。但客觀來看,其實這種發酵液就跟 〝醋 〞是差不多的意思。平常使用的清潔醋,現在把廚房生廚餘再利用來發酵,且也能增加塑膠瓶再利用的機會呢!

People called it “Garbage Enzyme “. Not sure if it is an enzyme, but what I know it’s that it's pretty much like"vinegar". And this home-made essential helps to reduce kitchen waste and reuse plastic bottles.



如果是一瓶1000ml 的容器,請裝600c.c的水和60克的黑糖,再收集約180克的果皮。水的容量抓容器的六成,保留空間給發酵氣體。瓶蓋不要蓋緊,以利發酵氣體可以排出。

How to make it:

Fruits peels: brown sugar: water: 3:1:10

For example, a1000ml bottle with 600c.c water, 60g brown sugar, and 180g fruit peels will be good. Leave some room for ferment gas. Don’t close the lid tide to allow the gas release from the bottle.


I like to use the waste of pineapple, orange, lime, lemon, and apple because they smell the best. After 3 months fermentation, it will become under PH4, then it’s ready to use. And, please dilute it! It’s super acid!


If you are a fan of making your peel drink, you can ferment your drink before making this zero waste essential. After all the fermentation process is all finished, those peels are very easy to compost and become black gold soil for gardening.



Ava Chang

鴨子Ava~ 台灣苗栗人,現居多倫多。2017正式開始幼教人生 。2019正式開始零廢棄人生。目前在黑糖笑樹寫著自己的零廢棄生活實驗。