Oconee, SC County Council Set to Consider “Right To Life” Resolution This Afternoon

Hayden Laye
2 min readOct 19, 2021


The meeting will start at 6pm, a pro-life rally will start at 4:30pm.

The Oconee, South Carolina County Council is set to vote on Resolution 2021-14 this afternoon at 6pm to decided on whether or not to declare Oconee County a “Right to Life County.”

If passed, Oconee County will be the first county in the Palmetto State to recognize the full humanity of preborn children. Very similar resolution and ordinances have been passed in cities and counties in Texas and other states. No city in South Carolina has passed a resolution or ordinance relating to abortion.

A similar resolution that would have done much of the same thing and declare Oconee a “Sanctuary County for the Unborn” failed 3–2 back in February. There has been no change in the personnel on the council since then, but after entice lobbying from the Oconee County Republican Party (OCRP) many hope that the resolution will pass this time around.

The council is made up of 5 Republicans.

Last time only 2 people, the OCRP chairman and myself (a democrat) spoke on behalf of the resolutions passage.

The meeting will start at 6:00 PM this afternoon at 415 S Pine Street, Walhalla, South Carolina 29691. If you would like to speak for or against the resolution you must do so in person, so try to get there early. You will have exactly 4mins maximum to speak, you do not have to use all of your time.

There is a “Oconee County Rally for Life” planned to start at 4:30 this afternoon before the start of the council meeting, it is set to take place outside the Oconee County Government Offices on Pine Street in Walhalla.

The event was not planned, nor sponsored, by the OCRP or any other political party or organization.

There is no Pro-Choice rally planned at the time of writing.



Hayden Laye

Pro-Life for the Whole-Life Democrat writing and fighting to end abortion and the death penalty. DONATE: https://gofund.me/c335be40