The FASTEST way to buy ETHER #ethereum with credit card

Angelo Milan
2 min readFeb 26, 2016


What if you need some ether like… today!

AND you don’t own any BTC?

Typically, you would make a wire transfer from your bank account to a cryptoexchange like kraken or bitstamp. But you have to wait 24 hours, at least.

So, follow me in this quick tutorial.

Step 1

Make sure you have a 3D secured credit card; you can get one issued by your bank. If your card is new, it is likely to have the 3d secure feature. Note that in most cases, you have to enable the feature, because it is disabled by default. You will be asked to create a new password that you’ll need to insert everytime you make a 3dsecured purchase online.

Update: you can now Purchase bitcoin on Coinbase also through US Debit Cards

Step 2

Get an ethereum wallet address. You can either get a new one at the exchange of your choice (EG kraken),

or create a new one downloading Mist beta

Step 3

Get a coinbase account and register that card. Buy BTC with the credit card! Fees are 2,9% on Bitcoin purchases, but you get a 10 USD bonus if you created the account using a referral link AND your first deposit is of 100 USD or more.

You can use mine if you don’t mind:

or feel free to search one on google.

Use to convert BTC to ETH and send them to your ethereum wallet. It takes three hours for now (as per ethereum foundation guidelines), you can see what are their rates directly in the homepage and you pay a miner fee of 0.01 ETH


Once you have BTC on Coinbase, you can alternatively use Mist wallet to convert btc to eth, since Mist integrates shapeshift too.

This software is created by the Ethereum foundation, so they will get a cut of the shapeshift fees. You get ether and you help the foundation at the same time. Isn’t that great?

This is provably* the fastest way to get ethereum.

Do you know other convenient ways to buy ether?

Feel free to share on reddit, or make questions and suggestions down below, thanks!





Angelo Milan

Founder, #UX #Designer @ProjectStarrie #Blockchain evangelist. Student of myself. ⭐