JUNO: An overview of the project

Faith Victor Braide


Juno is the world’s first sandbox environment for the deployment of interoperable & cross-chain smart contracts. The network is an open & permission-less platform that automatically executes, controls or documents a procedure of relevant events and actions according to smart contracts.

Juno is the world’s first sandbox environment for the deployment of interoperable & cross-chain smart contracts. The network is an open & permission-less platform that automatically executes, controls or documents a procedure of relevant events and actions according to smart contracts.

The network serves as a decentralized, permission-less and censorship-resistant avenue for developers to efficiently and securely launch smart contracts using proven frameworks, and compile them in various languages Rust & Go.

What makes Juno special?

One of Juno’s core differences is that it is permission-less and censorship-resistant. Traditionally, when developers upload their dApps onto a network, they would have to get them approved by the validators. Only then, they are able to get their dApps onto the ecosystem.

Juno skips all of that — any developer can create any sort of dApp and put it up on the Juno Network. Developers need not wait for any approval to be part of the node. This may open up new projects which would not be delayed in the process.

However this might also come as a double-edged sword. The permission-less mechanic allows seamless and onboarding of dApps, might it may also dilute the quality of applications on its blockchain.

Also, it could be good for the ecosystem if there is a layer of security to allow validators and nodes to check and vet the different projects.

Inter Blockchain Communication (IBC)

At the heart of Cosmos ecosystem is the Inter Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC), which sets the table for an interoperable base layer 0 to now be used to transfer data packets across thousands of independent networks supporting IBC. Naturally, the next evolutionary milestone is to enable cross-network smart contracts. This enables Juno smart contracts to interoperate with all IBC enabled networks, regardless of wasm support on external networks.

Tokenomics of Juno

The native token JUNO provides a variety of use cases to the Juno ecosystem, including securing the network, handling on-chain governance, and it acting as the fuel for all interoperable smart contracts deployed on Juno. The JUNO token is also used as collateral in various smart contracts, along with being used as the main token for dApps built on top of Juno.

$JUNO is the native token of the network and carries use cases such as:

  • Securing the Proof-of-Stake network
  • On-chain governance
  • 100% community owned
  • Operated on smart contract platform

Juno’s Ecosystem

There are currently 47 apps and contracts built on Juno. These include the native AMM DEX — Junoswap, DAO creator — DAODAO and an upcoming play to earn game — Strange Clan.


Juno is the neutral home of CosmWasm smart contracts and the InterWasm DAO. The Juno Network ecosystem is pioneering CosmWasm development and adoption.

AMM DEX — Junoswap

The native DEX of Juno, Junoswaps acts as a decentralized exchange for users to be able to swap, transfer and participate in liquidity pools.

Tokens you are able to swap and transfer are derived within the Cosmos ecosystem. Notable pairs are $ATOM, $OSMO and $SCRT.

Staking Juno

Staking is the process of locking up a digital asset non custodially to provide economic security to a public blockchain. JUNO tokens have to be transferred to a Keplr wallet, staked on Omniflix and delegated to a validator.

Benefits of staking

  • Secures the network — Users are able contribute to the security and governance of the network through staking and voting on proposals.
  • Earn rewards — By staking with a validator (e.g 01node), users are rewarded with JUNO by contributing to the security of the network.
  • Vote for the future — Staking JUNO grants users the right to decide on the future and direction of the network by voting on governance proposals.

Staking rewards

When staking is complete, rewards will be generated immediately on a block-by-block basis, and stakers can claim their accumulated rewards at any time, via any supported wallet.

Due to its huge inflation in the beginning, JUNO stakers are currently receiving ~100% APR. Stakers will also have a chance to receive airdrops for new projects building on the Juno ecosystem.

Staking rewards are distributed in two ways:

Transaction fees — fees collected on the Juno Network are distributed to staked JUNO

Newly distributed JUNO — JUNO created from network inflation is distributed to JUNO stakers in each block over the first 12 years of the network operation.

More on Juno


As a current validator on many major PoS networks, 01node has the expertise and time tested infrastructure to be a highly secure and reliable node. Our existing validator nodes have secured value on several POS networks since their inception such as Terra, Iris, Solana, Cosmos, Near, E-money, IOV, Solana, Skale, Secret Network, Oasis and others who will soon launch like Celestia or Nomic chain, and Near Protocol. Collectively, we currently secure nearly $360M in user-staked assets.

We aim to provide the best performance and reliability through our physical infrastructure collocated in tier-3 datacenters. Our track record shows this reliability, and the great focus we have on security and best practices for every service we offer.





