Recognising Community Efforts

Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2023

In most Web3 project communities, there usually exists a handful of extremely valuable community members that contribute, often unpaid, a lot more than most. They tweet constantly about the project, initiate discussions in official servers and create useful content in the form of articles, podcasts or videos. Some even take it upon themselves to organise activities for the community. These individuals contribute greatly and, without a shadow of a doubt, give a project life.

Sadly, most leaders do not acknowledge the efforts of these valuable community members at all — especially after a project has achieved some degree of success. This is sad, given the fact that they probably would never have enjoyed their success without these essential community members in the first place.

So why should project leaders recognise their community’s efforts?

Motivation and engagement

Members that have been motivated will, more likely than not, find it within themselves to continue participating in the community and contributing to its growth. This, in turn, leads to increased engagement and participation, which is essential for a thriving web3 community.

Collaboration and knowledge sharing

Recognition of community members’ efforts can encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing within the community. Members who feel recognised are more likely to share their expertise and help others in the community, leading to a more collaborative and supportive environment.

Retention and growth

A community can retain its most valuable members and attract new ones simply by recognising the effort of their most enthusiastic individuals. When members feel valued, they are more likely to stick around and even encourage others to join the community. On the flipside, when a community member that was once a big contributor leaves, the project as a whole suffers.


Recognising community members’ efforts is a critical component of building a successful and thriving Web3 community. By valuing and acknowledging the contributions of community members, the community can foster a sense of belonging, motivate engagement, encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing, and attract and retain members. This ultimately leads to project growth and success.

Written by: Jpegtologist




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