7 Dark Mode Design Tips for your Apps & Websites

Manab J Kharkatary
0707 Digital Agency
2 min readMay 10, 2022

What is dark mode in UI design?

Dark mode is an eponymous user interface (UI) theme that replaces the customary black text and UI elements against light/white background with light-colored ones against a dark background.

What are the benefits of dark mode?

This bold theme picked up popularity when it was revealed that the benefits of dark mode ran apace alongside its acceptance as a stylish design. Speaking of good design, learn how to use white space in UI design and you could really make dark mode work for you.

Some of the benefits of dark mode are:

  • It reduces eye strain: For mobile and laptop users with usage history of extended hours, dark mode can cut down the stress on their eyes that can result out of bright backgrounds.
  • Dark mode saves battery life: Although not to a great extent, dark mode has been observed to save battery life of devices in the long run.
  • It’s sleek: Dark mode theme sure does add appeal to the UI, which can in turn boost your brand identity.

Dark mode design tips

1. It doesn’t have to be black

Strike the right balance between the background and the text/UI elements without adding high contrast, so the foreground elements stand out. Dark gray background is a good option.

2. Choose background color wisely

Run trials with several color options that you think could best reflect your brand message before deciding, because chances are dark mode may not work for your brand.

3. Give users option to revert to light mode

You may think you know best, but fact is your users know what’s best for them and they may not like the imposition of dark mode on your app or website. Be smart and give them the option to revert to light mode.

Follow the full article about 7 dark mode design tips to learn a bit about the history of dark mode, detailed tips and some great examples.

About us: As a UX design agency with matching experience in web design & engineering, we have been serving happy clients thanks to a UX team of talented designers and developers sharing the same vision for a world driven by usability and growth.

Contact us: Start a conversation with 0707 to learn about the design process we follow and what we can do for your business.



Manab J Kharkatary
0707 Digital Agency

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