How to Plan a Website Redesign Strategy

Manab J Kharkatary
0707 Digital Agency
2 min readFeb 22, 2022

Who should go for website redesign

What is the number one reason that someone should go for a website redesign project? When their business/professional website hasn’t seen decent traffic, nor has there been any promising sales for quite a while.

Which begs the question. When was the last time you made some updates or changes, whether in design or technology, to your website? Probably, never or a long time ago.

As business owners, marketers or professionals, you need to understand that your website is more than just a webpage or series of webpages. It’s a representation of your brand image for the entire world to see on the internet, and it needs to be as ship-shape as your products and services.

How to do a website redesign

Needless to say, it’s time for an overhaul — time for website redesign. And what is the best way to approach a website redesign project? Here’s how:

  1. Compare your present website with the ones that are trending in your industry to find out what you’re missing out of. Look for inspiration and tips from websites that are highly successful.
  2. In case you haven’t done this earlier, create a consumer profile to create a market for your products in turn. You won’t believe how well it works.
  3. Define an objective for the redesign process and instruct all your team members to focus on it before proceeding with the project.
  4. Redesign the entire page layout because clearly it’s not working.
  5. If you have the budget, hire some skilled UI/UX designers to create the new designs for your app or website.

Follow the full article on how to plan a website redesign strategy in 10 easy steps, including helpful statistics.

About us: We are a web design agency with 15+ years of invaluable experience in designing and redesigning websites for business from various industries. We offer a wide array of web design & web development services, including custom website design, full stack development and theme customization.

Contact us: Write to 0707 to consult our web designers and developers to find out how we can redesign your website and boost conversion for your business.



Manab J Kharkatary
0707 Digital Agency

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