How to Choose the Best Tech Stack for Your eCommerce Store

Manab J Kharkatary
0707 Digital Agency
3 min readAug 10, 2022

What is a tech stack?

The best way to define tech stack would be to refer to it as a collection of frameworks, tools and platforms stacked on top of one another that works as a building block to an app or website.

A typical tech stack consists of a frontend or the client-side and a backend or the server-side. The frontend makes up all the data, including content and design that users can access on the user interface, while the backend uses a server, database and framework to store and deliver that data.

In eCommerce app and website development, what you choose for you tech stack plays a huge role in how your store will perform. Of course, with such a flurry of choices these days, it’s not easy at all to make the right choice.

So, here are some of the most popular tech stacks with a look at their pros and cons to help you in your decision.

The top tech stacks in 2022

1. LAMP Stack
Acronymized for Linux (OS), Apache (web server), MySQL (database) and PHP/Perl/Python (programming languages), LAMP is a very popular technology stack that has helped in building some of the most well-known apps today. Here’s a look at its pros and cons.


  • Its components are interchangeable with other open-source components, offering greater freedom and flexibility to designers.
  • It’s quite useful for rapid development needs, thanks to its non-blocking structure.
  • It doesn’t pose a steep learning curve


  • Linux is the only operating system that you can use with it.
  • Scaling can be a challenge since moving database to another server may not be possible.

2. MEAN Stack
Short for MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS or Angular and Node.js, MEAN is an open-source tech stack based on JavaScript, which is used in both the frontend and backend, making coding fairly simple for programmers and developers.


  • Fast development owing to a single language compatibility across the stack.
  • You can integrate and deploy directly to cloud since MongoDB is cloud-first.
  • Plenty of documentation, plus a widely spread out community base to help you in case you get stuck.


  • Page loading may be slow.
  • Lack of JavaScript coding guidelines.
  • Not the best choice for enterprise level companies.

Head to the full article on the best tech stacks for eCommerce development & how to choose the one for you for more on these and other popular tech stacks.

About us: We are a premier web design agency engaged in application and website development for over a decade, serving businesses across multiple genres. Our web designers & developers come from diverse backgrounds to bring in a rich talent pool for the best & most affordable business solutions in the market.

Contact us: Write a short message to 0707 Agency to book an appointment with our eCommerce development experts so you can compare our solutions with other agencies.



Manab J Kharkatary
0707 Digital Agency

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