0Box, 0Stor Updates

Chad Hanson
Zus Network


Following our June update from 0Chain CEO, Saswata Basu, we are excited to share more insight into our upcoming 0Stor and 0Box products. While the team continues to progress on development of the blockchain and storage layers, new application features have been added along the way.

0Box and 0Stor are dApps which enable everyday users and developers to easily leverage 0Chain’s platform. 0Box’s mobile, desktop and web interfaces allow users to create storage allocations to privately store and share data with added security benefits. 0Stor empowers developers through its highly customizable storage, allowing any enterprise, business or startup to meet their needs for performance, security and beyond.. Over the past year, new features and functionalities were added. Let’s take a look inside those that will be available to both 0Box and 0Stor users:

0Box Wallet Settings

  • 0Box users can have multiple wallets, each with its ability to have multiple storage allocations. All wallets and allocations can be tied to a single phone number to save it in the cloud in order to recover their wallets and data.
  • Users can use Stripe to purchase x TB at $y/month to extend their free storage, but can also opt to scale their storage using ETH or ZCN. Since we will give out free allocation tokens, users initially will not need to pay.

Video Streaming

  • Recent strides in development have led to new features being added to our storage protocol. Most notably, video streaming via 0Chain’s dStorage will enable individuals to live-stream events. In addition, users will not be required to download videos that are stored on 0Box. Instead, they can simply enable download streaming of videos.
  • Community Ambassador and Developer, Sculptex, has published an article on how 0Chain enables video streaming and developed a proof-of-concept so you can test it yourself.

MainNet and Private Network Options

  • 0Chain enables private networks, giving developers and businesses the ability to test, deploy, and leverage 0Chain’s storage protocols in a controlled environment. The team finds it highly valuable for users to be able to interact with both network options, further exposing newcomers to the vast benefits of our scalable MainNet. 0Box and 0Stor allow users to switch networks to access files stored on the public 0Chain network and private 0Lake Networks. Click to learn more about 0Lake, available to OCI and AWS customers.

Stay tuned for next week’s article including updates on MainNet progress, new SDK and NFT features. You can look forward to weekly updates from the team, including developer insight, POCs, and use-case discussions.

About 0Chain

0Chain is a high-performance decentralized storage network designed to eliminate business threats such as censorship, privacy liability and data breach. 0Chain helps entities achieve GDPR compliance, localization, tokenization and monetizes private data sharing.

The decentralized platform offers high performance, high quality of service, collaboration, localization, and streaming to address a broad spectrum of applications.

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