0Chain Weekly Debrief — April 27, 2022

Chad Hanson
Zus Network
5 min readApr 27, 2022


Hope everyone is doing well as we are wrapping up the month of April. The dev team continues to make major progress with a series of updates and releases. While the dev team has continued its work, the pre-mainnet marketing plans are nearing fruition. Let’s take a look inside the past week.

Non-Dev Team Updates

The marketing and non-dev teams have been heads down working on various projects. In a Twitter Space the other week, Head of Partnerships Adrian discussed the ongoing collaboration to not only continue to build with our prior partners, but he also alluded to current conversations with potential partners and clients. During this time, we are also building out a toolkit that will make it easy for enterprises to learn about our platform and get started. We are looking forward to showcasing our mainnet technology to interested clients and getting existing partners onboarded!

Final aspects of the website are currently being finalized. With the core pages of our website previously established, the team has made some small modifications to update links, new information, and animations to ensure that the website runs smoothly upon launch. Some of these changes are due to upgrades to the tokenomics paper, including building out a UI tool to help potential blobbers to help calculate anticipated ROI. With the new tokenomics paper, we want to not only release simplified explainers but also interactive tools to help users and/or service providers grasp a strong understanding. By doing so, we will make it easy for people to learn about our ecosystem, but also it showcases the potential rewards for joining the network as a service provider.

With these final touches being worked on, we will then plan to have a series of releases including rebrand details, token economics paper, discord channel, videos and more! We are quite excited to share with you what we have been working on behind the scenes. The website makeover, landing pages, content, and apps are some of the things we are most excited about. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts when we release it.

Development Team Updates

The blockchain team has closed 9 PRs and an additional 8 issues on the 0Chain repo this past week. In a flurry of updates, we saw some PRs that have been a work-in-progress for a long time be released which resulted in the unblocking of other issues. What this means is that at times there are code releases/fixes that are dependent on other updates being made for it to work and be compatible. Let’s look into some of the updates:

The team was able to implement a fix for the collect-reward command which was not functioning properly. As a result of this push, our eventsDB PR was able to successfully merge in a cascading effect. With the first fix for the collect-reward command, the eventsDB PR was able to pass systems testing and be merged into the main codebase. Some relevant information that is stored in the reward table of the event database include block number, user wall ID, pool ID, and amounts which are all tied to API end-points as well.

Last week, we saw the release of update documentation which included token bridge information and commands. This week, the team added onto this release which provides the token bridge authorizer the ability to reuse models that are used by zwallet and gosdk. What this means is that the authorizer does not have to repeat code and can perform a series of bridging transactions in a consistent, safe way.

A smart contract optimization includes a PR that helps clean up blobber data and other related partitions when removing an allocation, meaning that less unnecessary data is being stored on the node. Updates to APIs include the /nodepoolStat, which now supports returning all delegate pools of miner nodes via its endpoint. We’ve added a name field for allocations which will allow users to easily recognize an allocation by name instead of a long hex hash ID. On the blobber side, we have also added new fields on the WriteMarker to include things such as lookuphash, name, and contenthash.

Finally, we reverted a change from read size to read counter for our ReadMarker PR. This is both critical to the blockchain and blobber teams as it reverts a prior change which tracked file access by the size of the file instead of number of reads. When the initial change was made, it included a bug. Since the team wants to focus on other priorities at this time that will allow mainnet launch, the code was reverted and a future update will be implemented after mainnet launch.

Additional changes on the blobber side include the release of a PR which addresses a panicking issue on the loadAllocReadmerkersStat. The team improved the blobber registration logic via this PR, which fixes issues related to the way blobber metadata is uploaded and shared on-chain. Other fixes include improving RedeemWriteMarkers PR, which addresses a panic issue as well as fixing the 0 value of the sequence field that caused blobbers to fail to complete open challenges. Overall, all these updates improve the speed at which things are performed on the network, reduce cpu demand, and improve overall functionality of the platform which will reduce the number of errors future users could encounter.

With all the aforementioned updates completed in the past week, the team also started a series of PRs that are nearing completion with the need for some minor fixes and final testing. One of the PRs being worked on is the random challenge generation process for blobbers. By improving the mechanism in which blobbers are challenged to provide relevant metadata, we enhance the overall functionality of the network which ensures users, enterprise, and devs that their data is safely and securely being stored–furthering the reliability of the network. The team is also updating some of the errors discovered during benchmark testing while also improving the ability to perform local system testing. Finally, the team is also updating an API endpoint which returns the amount of data written to allocations over the last n blocks.

Developer Resources

  • Interested in learning more about building on 0Chain or becoming a service provider? Check out our GitHub for access to repositories. Community ambassador Sculptex has created numerous tutorials to help get you started.
  • Try our BetaNet here! Users can create wallets and allocations, store files, send transactions, and share files.
  • Need help navigating creating wallets, allocations, or joining as a blobber? Check out our documentation page.
  • 0Chain’s API endpoints use simple and intuitive HTTP requests to interact with the blockchain in order to send/retrieve information to and from miners, sharders or blobbers in the active network.

About 0Chain

0Chain is a high-performance decentralized storage network designed to eliminate business threats such as censorship, privacy liability and data breaches. 0Chain helps entities achieve GDPR compliance, localization and tokenization, and monetizes private data sharing.

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