0Chain Weekly Debrief — May 25th, 2022

Chad Hanson
Zus Network


Happy Wednesday, I hope everyone is having a great week. This week, we have updates on multiple fronts. We continue to dive into our weekly dev team updates as they are pushing hard towards closing key PRs. Meanwhile, we look at Sculptex’s tutorial on how to set up a media server using 0Chain. The Business Dev team offers insight into ongoing planning as we strive to launch with an emphasis on providing storage solutions to a variety of users. As momentum is picking up on all fronts, it feels like a storm is coming 🌩 Let’s dive in!

Sculptex’s Corner: Media Server on 0Chain

This week, Sculptex shows the simplicity of setting up a media server using 0Chain as the underlying storage mechanism. Sculptex said, “following on from my media streaming demo, here is an example of how it could be quickly deployed ‘on-demand’ as a lightweight PoP, backed by our high-availability distributed storage. Distributed storage is not just for Web3!” You can find his instructions on GitHub but make sure to watch to learn how quick and easy it is to get started.

Non-Dev Team Updates

Fast-tracking enterprise storage adoption is critical in year one of our launch. As use cases and testimonials build, a cascade effect will play out, thus accelerating adoption. Enterprises generally aren’t trailblazers, however the successful ones are often fast followers.

The Business Development Team of Adrian, Beau and Rick are putting the finishing touches on their strategy to achieve rapid growth. The biggest pieces of the plan include ranking industry segments (verticals) that will be the most prosperous to target based on ease of adoption and size of the prize. Difficult segments would include industries that are extremely risk averse, highly bureaucratic, and smaller in (storage) size. An ideal target segment would include startups and industries associated with the blockchain/crypto space, as well as those managing and storing lots of data.

Building and scaling a mobilized, global sales force is another key objective towards adoption. A Co-Seller model will be the primary driver of this. Co-Sellers are individuals or companies that are super passionate about our 0Chain value propositions, have an established network and a knack for sales. Becoming a Co-Seller only involves a simple registration process followed by the completion of training modules to ensure you have a complete understanding of our tech, value props and competitive advantages, along with our brand standards. The sales incentives (commission) earned in year one as a Co Seller can be as high as 25% of the annual sale for onboarding a new enterprise customer!

Not interested in Co-Selling? By simply referring an enterprise prospect to the 0Chain Biz Dev Team or to a Co-Seller, a referral incentive as high as 10% of the annual sale can be earned after closing the sale! There are still a lot of details to iron out regarding these exciting incentive programs so stay tuned as The Biz Dev Team shares more with you in the coming weeks.

Development Team Updates

The dev team continues to make progress among multiple fronts with the blockchain team closing 9 PRs and 4 issues on the 0Chain repo. Last week, the team started work on 2 of the issues that were closed this week: our new allocation request PR and remove all blobbers list PR. Both of these PRs were previously approved, as mentioned in last week’s update. Following systems testing and resolving a few minor conflicts, these PRs were both merged into staging. A smart contract change was made in the owner ID PR which ensures that the owner_id configuration could be changed for storage smart contracts and interacted with via CLI tools. A small bug was discovered in the events db when rewarding miners, sharders and validators which has been fixed. To coincide with the ongoing changes, updates, and new smart contracts, the team has been refactoring REST APIs while also updating support swagger documentation.

While the above PRs have been closed, the team continues work on two issues that are nearing completion and merging. The first PR is for fixing the rounding error that was discovered some time ago. During recent code review, the team encountered problems with the process which impacted Service Provider payouts. The team has discussed solutions and begun implementation of a fix. At this time, the coding is complete and needs to undergo testing prior to merging. The second area of focus is an issue for syncing the events db. With recent changes to smart contracts call on the events db to be synchronous across all sharders in order to provide accurate data streams via API feeds. Current issues cause some loss of consensus on synching blocks, so the team is implementing a fix which is nearing completion.

The blobber team closed an additional 3 PRs and 4 issues in the past week. The main PR that was closed includes limiting the files and directories number per allocation, which was discussed in last week’s update. This ensures that blobbers can run efficiently while serving a large number of allocations while preventing over-use of node resources. In addition, the team is in progress of fixing the challenge completion bug which was caused by API changes that were made to match other smart contract updates. This is currently undergoing code review and should be closed within the next week pending successful testing.

Developer Resources

  • Interested in learning more about building on 0Chain or becoming a service provider? Check out our GitHub for access to repositories. Community ambassador Sculptex has created numerous tutorials to help get you started.
  • Try our BetaNet here! Users can create wallets and allocations, store files, send transactions, and share files.
  • Need help navigating creating wallets, allocations, or joining as a blobber? Check out our documentation page.
  • 0Chain’s API endpoints use simple and intuitive HTTP requests to interact with the blockchain in order to send/retrieve information to and from miners, sharders or blobbers in the active network.

About 0Chain

0Chain is a high-performance decentralized storage network designed to eliminate business threats such as censorship, privacy liability and data breaches. 0Chain helps entities achieve GDPR compliance, localization and tokenization, and monetizes private data sharing.

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