Athena Hard Fork Update: Successful Deployment and Upcoming Hotfixes

Athena Hard Fork Update: Successful Deployment and Upcoming Hotfixes

Tiago Souza
Zus Network
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2024


Zus Community,

We are excited to announce that the Athena Hard Fork has been successfully deployed! However, the Athena update is not fully completed, so you may not have noticed significant changes in the Zus Apps yet. We plan to implement the remaining hotfixes within the next 24–48 hours to finalize the update. Once these are in place, we will be ready to begin testing the Apps again. Once finalized, we will give the greenlight to test the Apps on Telegram and Discord.

We understand that we have requested your assistance with testing multiple times, but this is the final hard fork before our public release. Your support is crucial to approve the update and identify any minor adjustments needed.

Please join us in this final push to ensure a successful and amazing launch. Thank you for your continued dedication and help!

Storm of the Week

A recent report by Mandiant reveals a significant data theft incident impacting over 100 Snowflake customers, including Ticketmaster, Santander Bank, and Advance Auto Parts. The attack was attributed to a financially motivated group known as UNC5537, which exploited stolen passwords with compromised accounts lacking multi-factor authentication (2FA). This breach highlights the critical importance of robust security measures. For more details, read the full article here.

This incident underscores the necessity of using 2FA to enhance security. Without 2FA, accounts are highly vulnerable to unauthorized access. Implementing 2FA adds an essential layer of protection, significantly reducing this risk.

Zus offers advanced security with its decentralized storage and Split-Key technology. Our storage system breaks data into smaller pieces, distributing them to prevent single-point failures. Data can be immutable, ensuring it cannot be altered without permission and securely shared while keeping it private.

The 2FA Split-Key technology distributes private key shares across two devices, further enhancing the security of 2FA. This approach minimizes risks and provides flexible recovery options, protecting against physical threats and the risk of losing your recovery seed. The login process is simple and uses passkeys, making it user-friendly and highly secure. Additionally, Zus logins are serverless, eliminating the risk of server breaches and ensuring user data remains protected. This innovative technology is one of the features we plan to release after the public launch.

For now, our Mainnet app logins utilize a variety of secure authentication methods. We have integrated Firebase phone-based authentication, Okta for enterprise customers, and Apple integration for secure authentication. Notably, Apple users can enjoy a passkey experience, using their camera to log in to any Zus App. If you have not tried this method yet, we encourage you to do so.

That is all for today, folks! We hope you are as excited about the public launch as we are. See you next week!

About Züs

Züs is a decentralized high-performance multi-cloud storage with high-security features and no vendor lock-in.

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