Apps Enhancements and Testing Participation

Blockchain Enhancements and Testing Participation

Tiago Souza
Zus Network


Last week, we asked the community to test our apps: Vult, Blimp, Bolt, and Chalk. If you haven’t had the chance yet, please start testing the apps. Your engagement is crucial, especially for Chalk. Creating a Chalk collection is simple and very cheap — all you need is a few ZCN for storage and a bit of Matic for gas fees since it operates on the Polygon network. Learn more about creating a collection in our Chalk documentation.

Testing Tasks

Here are some tasks you can help with:

  1. Create a Collection and NFTs on Chalk
  2. Compare Upload/Download Duration: Use a file larger than 100MB to measure the time it takes to upload and download compared to Google Drive or Dropbox. Ensure you use the same file for comparison and let us know your internet speed using
  3. Test File Operations: Try deleting, moving, and renaming files.
  4. File Sharing: Test both public and private file sharing.
  5. Blobbers Management: Test adding and replacing blobbers in the storage details.
  6. Blimp Features: Test freezing and making an allocation immutable.
  7. Referral System
  8. Overall Configs.

If you have any questions, please check our documentation or message me on Telegram and Discord. I am here to help you.

Updates and Fixes

We have implemented several updates and hotfixes to improve the performance and functionality of our blockchain. Here are some of the key changes:

Miner Updates:

  • Total Rewards Aggregates: Updated previously calculated rewards (GitHub).
  • Killed Blobbers: Killed and shutdown blobbers are inactive and no longer receiving rewards (GitHub).
  • Total Offers and Blobber Size Check: Corrected the size calculation mechanism for blobbers (GitHub).
  • Allocation Used Size: Addressed inaccuracies in used size calculations for allocations (GitHub).
  • Validator URL for Aggregates: Replicated URL for validators in aggregates (GitHub).
  • State Nonce: Fixed broken health check nonce for miners (GitHub).

Blobber Updates:

  • File Not Found in Temp Dir Under Load: Resolved issues where files were not found in the temporary directory under load conditions (GitHub).
  • Sequence to Get Marker: Implemented sequence usage for obtaining markers (GitHub).
  • Connection Size Updates: Corrected connection size updates (GitHub).
  • Object Deletion: Fixed object deletion functionality (GitHub).
  • Path and Name Checks: Added checks for file paths and names (GitHub).
  • Retry Check: Enhanced retry check mechanisms (GitHub).
  • File Name Limit: Increased the file name length limit to 150 characters (GitHub).

0Box Features:

  • Phone Number Formatting: Introduced formatting for phone numbers to international format (GitHub).
  • Push Notifications: Implemented push notification features (GitHub).
  • Censorship Validations: Added censorship validations for input names and descriptions (GitHub).

zs3 Updates:

  • Bucket Name to Prefix: Updated bucket naming conventions to use prefixes (GitHub).
  • Filepath Locking: Implemented file path locking and disabled progress tracking (GitHub).
  • Object Path in Multipart Upload: Corrected object path handling in multipart uploads (GitHub).
  • Shard Size for Streaming Encrypted Files: Adjusted shard sizes for streaming encrypted files (GitHub).
  • Directory Creation: Ensured directory creation when file size is zero (GitHub).

gosdk Improvements:

  • ZCN Token as String: Changed the ZCN token to be represented as a string (GitHub).
  • Garbage Collection for WebAssembly: Tuned garbage collection for WebAssembly (GitHub).
  • Logging Levels: Adjusted logging levels to debug for certain logs (GitHub).
  • Upload Mode Exposure: Added functionality to expose upload mode in mobile and Windows SDKs (GitHub).
  • Commit Retries: Increased the number of retries for commit operations (GitHub).
  • MIME Type in Status Callback: Included MIME type in the complete status callback (GitHub).
  • Save Progress Option: Added an option to save progress (GitHub).
  • Timestamp Handling: Corrected timestamp handling in the WM component (GitHub).
  • Buffer Size for Write: Fixed buffer size issues during write operations (GitHub).
  • Error Message for Pause Upload: Improved error messaging for paused uploads (GitHub).
  • Skip Download for Empty File: Implemented logic to skip downloads for empty files (GitHub).
  • Content Seek in WebAssembly: Corrected content seek in WebAssembly (GitHub).

Kafka Integration:

Instead of polling aggregates and snapshots to 0Box, we now stream all events to 0Box from the sharder. This change will reduce the load on sharders and provide more flexibility for 0Box (GitHub).

Thank you for your continued support and participation. See you next week!

About Züs

Züs is a decentralized high-performance multi-cloud storage with high-security features and no vendor lock-in.

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