Blockchain Progress | Weekly Debrief — March 1, 2023

Tiago Souza
Zus Network


Happy Wednesday! As the blockchain industry continues to innovate and expand, it brings with it numerous exciting updates that can revolutionize the way we do business. This week is no exception, from more blockchain progress to an AMA next week, we have developments worth checking out. Plus, do not miss our Storm of the Week and our newest article featuring selling data through DeFi platforms. Stay up to date on all our progress!

Mainnet and App Demos Update:

The team made significant progress in resolving issues and is now down to 100 from the original 150 since 15 new issues were added last week. We anticipate further reduction by next week’s AMA, with several PRs waiting for system tests to pass before merging. We still expect to resolve all issues by the end of March.

Regarding the App demos, the plan is to release the first App by next week’s AMA and all apps by the following week. Also, Miner and Sharder documentation for managed providers is being finalized, which we expect to share in the coming days. The new scheme for creating the magic block without revealing operational keys will be available in about a week. This new scheme will result in a highly secure decentralized network with providers retaining complete control of their keys.

Storm of the Week:

Ethereum Shanghai Update approaches

The most anticipated Ethereum Shanghai upgrade approaches. This upgrade will allow stakers that locked their ETH to finally withdraw, and release all of the accumulated rewards, from the start as of December 2020. The expected date for the update was March 2023, however, it is possible to be delayed to April. This update fundamental shift on the network and will be updated as a hard fork!

Twitter went down for over 2 hours today!

Twitter experienced a worldwide two-hour downtime today, leading to numerous reports of problems from users. With several outages and technical issues following Elon Musk’s takeover, many are speculating that the problem could be due to the termination of over 50% of Twitter’s employees. During such disruptions, the Züs network could prove valuable in providing configurable uptime for optimal business continuity. Züs enables businesses to customize their uptime by choosing on which servers they want to distribute their data. They can even use their own servers as part of the network and select servers based on performance and geo-location to prevent downtime and ensure seamless business operations. For instance, Twitter could leverage the servers they own by integrating them into the Züs network and distributing their data to other independent, and most efficient servers of the network.

Blockchain Progress:

Last week, the blockchain team made progress by closing 14 PRs and 17 issues on the 0chain repo, 6 PRs on the blobber repo, and 12 PRs on the gosdk repo. The team mainly focused on closing smart contract optimization issues with PR.

Meanwhile, they fixed the uint64 overflow on blobber reward/penalty, mentioned in the previous update. Also, they found another blobber reward-related bug when fixing the uint64 overflow issue. The issue is that the latest completed challenge is bound to the allocation and shared between all the blobbers selected by the allocation. This results in normal challenges being treated as an invalid old challenge if challenge_1 from the blobber_A has timestamp T2 greater than challenge_2 from blobber_B with timestamp T1 and the challenge_2 is processed later than challenge_1. To fix this issue, the team will have to bind the latest completed challenge to each blobber. Check more details and fixes in the PR.

Database Partition Fixed

In addition, the blockchain team detected and fixed an event database partition-related bug when performing Load Tests. Check below for issues and PRs they also fixed last week:

The team fixed an API bug for `/transactions` when the `end` param is `0` and a reward update on the event database. Also, they added a validator health check to the smart contract, fixed bugs on API endpoints, added pagination to problematic endpoints, and removed a `total-stored-data` endpoint.

Moreover, they fixed an invalid reward string, changed when getting fileStats to populate foreignKey fields, and optimized API handlers on gosdk with pagination. The team also added `func RevokeShare` to `mobilesdk/zbox/allocation.go`, the operation code for downloading thumbnail files. Also, they exposed the get user total locked SDK to mobile SDK, a method to update blobbers settings to wasm, and added an available-after parameter to the GetAuthToken function of allocation.go in mobile SDK.

Read Züs’ most recent article:

Are you looking for a way to monetize your data? If so, DeFi can be an ideal solution. With the emergence of decentralized finance (DeFi), it has become possible for anyone with digital assets or data to engage in various financial activities on the blockchain. This means that you can now sell your data through DeFi and enjoy all the associated benefits, such as access to a decentralized network and security from digital fraud. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the core advantages of selling data through DeFi platforms. As well as, how they can help you unlock new opportunities in the market. Read more in our article Advantages of Selling Data Through DeFi

About Züs

Züs (formerly 0Chain) is the most private cloud. Build your privacy solution. Store for total protection.

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