Call for Developers

Chad Hanson
Zus Network


As the 0Chain team continues to release updates throughout BetaNet, we are now calling for action from independent and corporate developers to join and build on our network. Starting now and ending at MainNet launch, developers are incentivized to build on the 0Chain network or make referrals to qualifying projects.

  • 5,000 ZCN Reward: given to developers whose product is released using 0Chain dStorage.
  • 2,000 ZCN Reward: given for referral of quality projects.

The incentive program is now running through MainNet launch. Please note that all token distribution will occur after MainNet. The team has the right to make decisions about which projects qualify. If you have any questions, please contact us on our Telegram channel.

Developer Resources

For those interested, below you will find a variety of resources that may be helpful as you begin to navigate and build on 0Chain.

  • 0Chain Forum: through this site, you will find a variety of information. We aim to provide updates and troubleshooting support through our forum. We encourage you to share your experience with the network and share your project for feedback or assistance as needed.
  • GitHub: all of our public repositories are available on GitHub. Please note that several key repositories that are currently private will be made public throughout the BetaNet phase. Most developers will want to first look at building and running the zwalletcli & zboxcli tools, although some may wish to build an interface with the gosdk directly. Developed by 0Chain community member and ambassador Sculptex, g0chainwebserver is another useful tool that interfaces with cli tools. This tool serves files store on 0Chain from specified authtickets.
  • API Documentation: our API documentation provides step-by-step instructions for developers to create and manage wallets, transactions, storage allocations, and other blockchain-related requests.
  • CLI Tool Tutorials: our Quickstart guide helps developers use 0Chain dStorage using zbox and zwallet CLI. The video shows how to create a wallet, allocation with preferred storage providers, lock tokens in write/read pools, and upload/download a file. Check out the complete playlsit of tutorials for more info on how to create/cancel allocations, fix files, and more:
  • 0Chain Blockchain Tutorial: this walk through includes information on how to setup the blockchain, 0dns, blobbers and stake capacity for blobbers:
  • Use Cases: 0Chain provides the ideal infrastructure for data storage and privacy solutions for healthcare, IOT, social media & more. Check out this article for more ideas of how you can leverage 0Chain’s platform for your products.
  • In addition to our quickstart guide, community ambassador Sculptex also created a walk-through video to demonstrate how to setup Ubuntu Linux installation to build 0Chain CLI tools.

Make sure to follow us on social media and join our channels to stay up to date with the latest news:

