Community Content Participation Rewards | CCP Campaign | Rev 3| 16.April.2019

Derick Fiebiger
Zus Network
3 min readDec 24, 2018


*Updated April 16, 2019*

NOTICE: We are updating our current CCP campaign as we are approaching the launch of AlphaNet and 0box. We will be shifting our focus to a new bounty campaign for Alpha and Beta. As of today (16 April 2019), the weekly article contest on Reddit has been terminated. The monthly video contest will continue until the end of April as there has already been submissions. Twitter rewards have also been discontinued in preparation for the next phase.

Please stay tuned for an update on new rules and guidelines for future campaigns.

0Chain has recently entered testing with 100 miners and 30 sharders, and released new papers peppered with a couple of media interviews. As 0chain Blockchain Observable Storage System (BOSS) shapes up towards main net launch, we’d love to increase community participation.

We believe we have a talented community that comes from different walks of life and everyone has their skill to add. Therefore, starting next Monday, the 24th December 2018, we will be running consecutive weekly contests for 52 weeks ending in December 2019.

The rewards will be paid for three categories of content as detailed below. All participants need to fill out the Community Registration form. Submission for reddit or twitter rewards has to be done by the participant per the forms below on or before 23:59 PST every Sunday for the Weekly Rewards, and on or before 23:59 PST every last day of the month for the Monthly Rewards.

Text Articles | 1000 ZCN per week

One winning article of 200 words or more will receive 1000 ZCN each week provided it has the most upvotes on reddit at the end of each week. Each article must be no more than 7 days old at the date of weekly tally — which shall be every Sunday.

The count mechanism for each article will be per the following rules :
1- Each upvote on reddit will count for one point.
2- The top 5 articles on reddit by upvotes and engagement within the community subreddit and external subreddits will be selected for Ambassador voting.
3- The total upvotes count for the top 5 article will be aggregated and each assigned a percentage of the total upvotes. Additionally, the Ambassadors votes will be aggregated and each article assigned a percentage of the total Ambassadors votes.
4- An average of both the reddit votes and ambassador votes percentage will be taken and assigned to each of the top 5 articles. The article with the highest score gets the reward.

Short Videos | 4000 ZCN per month

Using a similar count mechanism, one winning video of 30 seconds or more about 0chain will receive 4000 ZCN each month provided it has the highest average of upvotes on reddit and ambassadors’ votes. Votes will be tallied at the last day of every month for videos no older than 30 days.

Twitter Rewards | Up to 2000 ZCN per week

Twitter Rewards campaign has been terminated.

Each week we will randomly distribute tokens to 20 lucky twitter posts as follows:

Twitter Reward Rules
1- Follow our twitter account @0chain
2- All posts should have #0chain #Cloud #Data $ZCN
3- Account must be older than 6 months
4- Accounts must be active before start of bounty
5- Seven (7) tweets and/or retweets per week per account.
6- No deleting posts for the duration of bounty.
7- Positive content.
8- Submit tweet links before 23:59 PST Sunday

Community Registration Form:

Twitter Post Submission Form:

Reddit Post Submission Form:

