Seamless Logins, Smart Repairs, and Branded Blobbers

Seamless Logins, Smart Repairs, and Branded Blobbers

Tiago Souza
Zus Network
Published in
2 min readApr 18, 2024


Okta and Apple Login for Blimp Users

In response to community feedback, our development team has introduced Okta Login for Blimp users. This new feature facilitates seamless access via Apple for consumers and enterprise access via SSO login using Okta without needing a phone number. This new feature is part of our ongoing efforts to enhance user convenience and enterprise SSO adoption and will be part of the upcoming release next week.

Automatic Repair Feature on Vult

After receiving valuable input from our community, we have implemented an Automatic Repair feature for allocations impacted by underperforming blobbers. Users encountering this issue will be notified and can either accept an automatic repair or opt for a manual switch. Although it is now being tested on Mainnet, it is expected to be operational in the coming weeks.

Automatic Geo Diversity of New Allocations

We have improved the reliability of new allocations by selecting blobbers from varied geographic regions. This ensures that the selected blobbers are not from the same server or data center, thereby increasing the chance of uninterrupted service even if one fails.

Brands for Blobbers

We have introduced a branding system to mitigate the risk of getting bad-quality blobbers. With this, users will be able to select Blobbers by their brand. To start, we added the Zus brand to ensure high-quality performance when creating new allocations. In the future, we will broaden this initiative so service providers can apply to have their own brands via Discord.

That concludes today’s update! Looking forward to catching up next week

About Züs

Züs is a decentralized high-performance multi-cloud storage with high-security features and no vendor lock-in.

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