Updated Roadmap (December 2018) & More Details Leading up to Mainnet

Derick Fiebiger
Zus Network
Published in
6 min readDec 6, 2018

The software development process is a marathon not a sprint. It requires meticulous planning, execution, and the ability to improvise through the research and testing process. We’re happy to share that on this very long “run” we remain on pace to the finish line of Mainnet and beyond.

Along our journey, we’ve added several new things to the roadmap (e.g., secure wallet, 0box, AWS deployment, proxy re-encryption, etc.) and shifted some dates around to optimize deployment of the 0chain protocols. We’re happy to share those changes and provide some context behind them. As always, it’s important to keep in mind these are target dates, and may be subject to change based on new information down the line.

Here is a roadmap overview concise break down of each task item that we are working on. Enjoy:

December 2018

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Introduction of 0chain’s Data Storage & Monetization Product — We believe in protecting user’s data and better monetization models for content. 0box is a first-ever wallet that protects your data and enables transparent monetization of your content via proxy encryption. Use 0box to share your personal data on social media, monetize your creative works in a fair, transparent way. You currently can pre-register to use 0box by heading to the home page of 0chain.net. 0box will be fully functional upon Mainnet launch.

New Storage Protocol white paper — Based on new token reward mechanics, generation attack is avoided in an elegant manner. Client can now choose their favorite blobbers. 0box will leverage the new storage protocol for its premium storage.

Token Reward Protocol white paper — Easier to manage inflation and minting of tokens for services rendered. Prevents generation attacks. Enables built-in data monetization

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Secure Wallet white paper — Data breaches and the ensuing litigation for enabling these attacks are on the rise. 0chain has developed a secure wallet with an MDA (multi-device authentication) property that is server-less. This new iteration of MDA offers more value to the platform and the end user because it: eliminates the vulnerability of server stored passwords, resembles a hot-wallet, but remains as secure as a hardware key . It will be instrumental for cryptocurrency and enables password-less logins in general. Password-less login presents significant value to any company interested in leveraging heightened security for their users. The white paper on this will provide a methodical description of the Secure Wallet and a security analysis of our Secure Wallet protocol.

Global Beta DevNet Launch — We plan to do a short demo of a private devNet with 100 miners, 30 sharders, and 30 blobbers across 10 global datacenters to show the capability of our consensus protocol. Later this would be converted to a public testNet with miners from the community, using our template as a basis for such.

Token Valuation white paper — Since our token is ‘tethered’ to data, the valuation of our token is revolutionary relative to other cryptocurrencies which are based on speculative usage and “hold”. Additionally, unlike other cryptocurrencies, if you ‘hodl’ ZCN you get the benefit of free transactions, storage, data monetization, and other services offered in the future.

January 2019

Proxy Re-encryption white paper — Enables content creators to provide permission to another user or a group of users. This permission process will provide the infrastructure for seamless and transparent content monetization. The white paper on Proxy Re-encryption will detail how this is accomplished.

Private BaaS on AWS — Enables an enterprise to turn on/off a cluster (of miners, sharders, blobbers) with one-click and develop a consortium among its B2B partners or internally among its departments, lowering inefficiencies, supply chain, and IT management costs.

Secure Wallet launch — Users can try out our new secure wallet, as detailed in the White Paper.

Governance protocol white paper — stake-based voting on parameters that we change on our blockchain, such as inflation, number of miners, etc.

Miner/Sharder/Blobber Template — We recognize that many stakeholders want to validate by building and using their own rig. With our template we will release the specs on a simple scalable rack that you can deploy either in your office or co-location to participate on the 0chain network as a miner, sharder, and/or blobber.

Call for Miners/Sharders/Blobbers — We will ask miners/sharders/blobbers to join our network to stake and mine for coins

Mainnet Alpha on AWS — This will simulate our live mainnet on the AWS platform and provide enterprise grade benchmarks to measure an uncontrolled environment. Features will include data storage and monetization, as well as transfer of assets. Protected infrastructure environment; “training wheels” will be on (coins do not have value).

February 2019

Mainnet Beta with external Miners — Same as Alpha, except with public miners who will be participating on our network with us on Day 1 of launch. Protected infrastructure environment: “training wheels” will still be on (coins do not have value).

Code Release — All mainnet code will be made available for viewing by the public on GitHub. Currently we have not shared any key intellectual property developed by 0chain on https://github.com/0chain to protect the community from copy/paste imitators in our early development phases. As we inch up to mainnet launch, we will transition our code from closed source to open source for all to view.

March 2019

Mainnet 1.0 — Same as Beta, but it’s a live deployment without the protected environment and “training wheels” (coins will have value). This will also trigger the token swap. Users will need to swap erc-20 with native ZCN in order to leverage our public chain or get services such as free transactions and storage, and data monetization. More details will be released on the swap as we get closer to Mainnet 1.0 deployment

Quarter 2 2019

Self-forking protocol white paper — Allows dApps to lower IT cost, scale & customize their blockchain, and keep the option of fungibility in future.

Interchain protocol white paper — Allow fast and free conversion of crypto assets leveraging our blockchain platform

Smart Contract platform white paper — Survey, selection of a language and verification platform that is suitable for fast and secure transactions.

Quarter 3 2019

DEX — Enables custody-less, friction-less, conversion of crypto assets. We’re shifting up priority on our DEX over the deployment of our smart contract platform. Smart contract platforms are quite abundant in the space, and our DEX will form a perfect marriage with our core protocols. The DEX enables us to offer a major unique value proposition in the blockchain space by showcasing our secure wallet and delivering a well rounded marketplace for crypto assets with intrinsic value (e.g. ZCN is backed by an allocation of data storage, in contrast to most cryptos which lack this intrinsic value integration). More details to come closer to Mainnet 1.0.

Quarter 4 2019

Smart Contract Platform — Deployment of our smart contract platform.

Thanks for reading. If you are looking for more details on storage and token economics, please head over to www.0chain.net/research and check them out.

Also, please join our community and check out all of our 0chain media links:

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