Caro’s first month in the wild, wild fintech world!

Geert Van Kerckhoven
Published in
3 min readSep 13, 2018
Our first designsprint week!
Designsprint week!

Hi, I’m Caro and I work in HR for the most kick-ass company!

And this is my first blog post, Yep First EVER!

I’ve always wanted to write one, but I was a bit too shy.

But now I have 8 other colleagues who support me and trigger me to write so here it is. The first one, and probably the most personal one.

Finding a job that suits you, makes you happy and proud, and also gives you the means to pay for your life is hard. Not a lot of people find it right away, in the first job they ever do.

But after a while, you know what you’re good at and what is not really your cup of tea.

I’m a very outgoing, enthusiastic person. And I wanted a job where I could make a difference. I always wanted to become a great HR manager. Someone who makes people happy in their job.

And so, I started to work for a Fin-tech Startup.

Probably not the most obvious choice someone can make, but whoa, it’s better than I ever expected it to be.

First-month frustrations?

Not so much actually…

Yeah sure sometimes I didn’t know what my colleagues were talking about, ok let’s be honest, most of the time… But I’m a fast learner. I now know what benchmarking is, and what an MVP is pretty smart stuff…

So why do I love it so much?

For one, the startup way of working is where I feel most comfortable. And this is not yet another company who promises flexibility and brainstorm time… No, they mean it. We work hard, and we get tired, but it’s the good tired. The tired you also feel after you worked out. Tired but super satisfied. And that’s why I love doing HR here. We practice what we preach!

We have a kickass working environment and people are nice to one another. You say what you feel and like this, issues are simply non-existing, at least not longer than 10 minutes.

And 0smosis of course, I think I never met people who were so open to welcome other people into their tribe. And this makes me feel like my input is indeed very useful. I’m the only girl in the Ozzy world now and I actually like it. But my search for potential talent is going strong, preferably some strong kick-ass women to join our tribe.

What will the future bring?

We are going strong, loving life and feeling good. So, I’m very positive about the future and growth. We will be launching a new CXO program where we stimulate young people to become entrepreneurs and make a difference in this world, by leading life-changing startups in the Fin-tech business.

I couldn’t be happier with where I am. Learning and growing and also encouraging colleagues and new hires to do the same.

HR is not a boring field of work, like some of my friends would say. It’s amazing, you just need to find the right company to work in!

Check to check our vacancies!


