My internship at 0smosis

Caroline Pasmans
Published in
4 min readAug 5, 2019
During the internship we had a lot of feedback sessions

My internship was nothing short of amazing!

I had the privilege of working for Osmosis as a Full-Stack development intern for 6 months. 0smosis is a a FinTech venture studio in Antwerp, Belgium. Integrating into the team was quite easy. Everyone was warm and welcoming from day one. I loved the startup atmosphere! It’s chilled-out in the sense that it is more relaxed than a conventional company. But then again it is on fire with the passion everyone puts into their work and their dedication. I found it to be very motivating.

I was constantly learning new things and growing in my knowledge. I believe that was a result of being surrounded by knowledgeable people who took the time to teach and mentor me. There was no spoon-feeding, rather I got challenged to step outside my comfort zone. This experience has taught me more than I could have imagined.

These are the 5 lessons I’ve learned during my internship

Growth is key:

At the beginning of my internship, I wasn’t sure where my career was headed and what I was good at. My internship at Osmosis has given me greater confidence in my knowledge and skills. This made me realize what I want for my professional career. I learned that I am not alone. Learning is a continues process and I do not need to have everything figured out. I just need to have a curious mind and keep on growing.

Goals are important:

One of the first tasks I was given was to write out SMART goals and present them to the team to get feedback. I have always set goals in my life, but I never had anyone to guide me through the process and provide me with valuable feedback. I was nervous, to say the least, but this has been one of the reasons my internship was a success. I was asked to set the goals I wanted to accomplish within those 6 months and some long-term goals too. I am a dreamer, so I had no problems coming up with the things I wanted. They seemed big to me and I had no idea if I could pull it off, but a girl can dream.

Do not be afraid to fail:

With my big goals set, it was time for execution. I got the best mentor I could have asked for. Everyone stepped up to the role of a mentor when it was needed. So I was privileged to have so many people pour into me. In a time when I got confused, I was encouraged to ask questions and share my thoughts. When I got stuck or lost, I was guided to a place of clarity. I constantly got the feeling that it was ok to fall and stand up again.

People are important:

One thing I love the most about Osmosis is how much everyone cares. When you show up for work, you got a sense that everyone was truly happy to see you. This might seem like a small thing, but it meant a lot to me to know that the people around me cared.

Laugh a little:

An average workday at Osmosis is pretty intense, everyone works hard and has a lot they want to accomplish by the end of the day. Amid this everyone finds a way to bring fun and joy into their work. We always had moments of hearty laughter. As Norman Cousins says, “Hearty laughter is a good way to jog internally without having to go outdoors”.

As a finish, my internship, all I feel is gratitude to everyone that has poured into me these 6 months. I am so much better than I was when I walked into this place and I am looking forward to returning to this amazing company.

If you have any questions or remarks, please feel free to contact me!


