We are the lucky ones

Caroline Pasmans
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2020

About the focus on our people, scared little hearts and dealing with this crazy situation. Especially for you, HR professionals struggling during the COVID-19 crisis.

We are the lucky ones, all successful companies were founded during or right after a big crisis, look at Instagram. So this is the time to be robust as a team, to fight for our people and to look at all the good things that might come out of this. That’s why I’m happy we are activating our people in a more creative way. We keep on ideating as a team.

First things first, our love goes out to all the people working hard to keep our world turning. You are warriors and we hope you feel us cheering for you. We also want to send some extra hugs to the people who are currently sick and to those who have lost someone directly or indirectly due to COVID-19.

Caro’s home office. Pink overload of course!

We know we’ve been quiet, honestly, we didn’t know what to write that would even make sense during these scary times. On the 13th of March, we decided to work from home for a while, all of us. We haven’t been to the office ever since.

We are the lucky ones, none of us got sick, we focus on digitalizing everything and we get to spend more time with our families.

I’m a strong believer in honest communication so here it is. The “uber Positivo” fell off her pink cloud #perfectlife more than once! It hurt, I was insecure and angry and very, very low on energy. And I wasn’t the only one.

But I keep repeating myself, WE ARE THE LUCKY ONES. We managed to lift up the spirit, we started activating some of our people in a more creative way. As some of us saw our jobs change during this time of crisis.

Times like these turn things into perspective, changes are made and people go into some kind of survival mode. I strongly believe we can come out of this stronger, better and more balanced.

We are the lucky ones, to find balance

So, what have we been up to over the last weeks?

We are the lucky ones… We know that working remotely is a gigantic stretch for some companies, ours is not one of them. We are used to this, we are scattered around the world most of the time and we adjusted quite fast.

Did you ever hear of Mural? I would totally recommend this tool to work together apart. If you want to co-work on assignments or ideas.

Not saying we don’t miss lunching with the team, going for drinks on a Friday at 4 PM and hijacking the DJ booth during a night out, to play our own music. WE DO!

As said above, some of our jobs changed a bit, well a lot during this time. Especially the HR team “Team Caro” as we call it. My team, my passion and my everyday reason to go out and hustle. We were looking for a way to keep our team close and add value to our studio. What do you do when your job is people and those people are now all in their individual bubble, at home, focussing on how to deal with this and their families. You don’t want to pressure them too much and you want to give everyone the space to adapt to this new normal at their own pace.


You start venture ideating! For two weeks now, week 3 just started. We have been working on one idea a week. And OOOOOOH LORDY, this is so incredibly satisfying. We are the “people” people, the ones that focus on soft skills and boost creativity.
And from now on… We have one extra badge to pin on our 0smosis jacket!

We will write a blog about these 3 weeks later, pinky promise. Let us know if you are interested in the progress by sliding into our DM’s.

For all of you, HR professionals feeling insecure or overwhelmed. You’ve got this!

An Osmosian!

Caro the first

