What working on 6+ ventures has taught us

Wouter Lachat
Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2018

Ever wanted to start your own startup? Ever wanted to learn which steps other startups are taking? Ever wanted to know how you could start building ventures?

Well, at 0smosis we build new ventures in the financial sector all the time. Our goal is to make financial services a 5-star experience for everyone. Because we know this is not something we can easily do ourselves overnight, we want to motivate people to do the same.

We have been building ventures for over a year now and we have learned a lot. On the one hand, because we failed a lot, on the other hand, because we met a lot of industry experts that guided us towards our goals.

So, under the motto “sharing is caring”, we will be launching a series of blog posts over the coming 2 months. In each blog post, we will explain our experiences and failures about starting new ventures.

What you can expect

For starting a new startup, we follow a standardized methodology. We have built and adapted this methodology along the way.

Our standardized process to build ventures, the 0smosis Way

The blog series will be structured according to the 0smosis way. We will start by explaining how we identify customer needs and go all the way up to techniques for growing and scaling your venture.

Some of the questions that will be answered:

  • How to find the right people to do customer interviews?
  • Which growth hacking techniques can be used to B2B customer research?
  • Design sprints are great, but in which cases do they work best?
  • Which tools can you use to build prototypes in a short amount of time?
  • Which subtle UX modifications can make your app look 10x better?
  • What are the hurdles of agile development in a startup?
  • Which actions do you need to take to start hacking your startup’s growth?

Who will be writing about building ventures?

Arno: UX- engineer. — Always wanted to know how you could create a great prototype yourself in less than a day? Ever wondered why the designs your draw yourself don’t look as good as when a designer does it? Arno will guide you through the ins and outs of great UX and design and will explain to you how the 0smosis development team is going forward fast.

Anton: Product Analyst. — A great product starts with a real customer problem. But how can you know whether something is a real problem or not? Well, the only way is to go out and talk to customers. Anton will show you which methodologies are best, and he will explain why sometimes methodologies are not everything and you just have to freestyle.

Wouter: Growth Hacker. — if you have a great product and are tackling a real customer problem, growth will come eventually. But, let’s be honest, nobody has got time for that. Everybody wants to go faster and growth hacking is the way to go. Ever wondered why startups have multiple different starting pages on their website (so-called landing pages)? I will explain to you why and how this simple trick will result in a lot of additional sales.

Again, under the motto of “sharing is caring”. Are there any lessons you learned about Fintech or startups in general that you want to share? Are there any burning questions about Fintech that you want to be answered?

Let us know and I am sure we will be able to incorporate them.

