0x Tracker Open Source + Branding

Craig Bovis
0x Tracker
Published in
3 min readNov 24, 2018

Today I’m excited to announce that 0x Tracker (with support from the 0x team) is moving to an open source model, allowing anyone from the 0x community to contribute to the future of 0x Tracker 🎉

Why open source?

0x Tracker has been a labor of love from the start, without a clear monetisation strategy. Anyone who’s been involved with a side project whilst maintaining a full-time job will know it can be very time consuming. I don’t have any plans to turn 0x Tracker into a commercial venture but I am keen to continue seeing it play a role in the development of 0x.

Having become an important part of the 0x ecosystem I feel it’s important to set up 0x Tracker for the future whilst still maintaining a level of independence from the 0x core team. Transparency is key in the tooling we use to analyze 0x and the wider Ethereum ecosystem, plus community involvement is critical.

How can I get involved? 👋

An organisation has been setup on GitHub with repositories for the various applications which serve the 0x Tracker website. If you’re a software developer then get stuck right in; the codebases are written in NodeJS and React so should be familiar to many.

If you’re not a software developer then there are still many ways you can get involved including contributing to existing issues, opening feature requests, submitting bugs, or working on UI design. A useful tool is more than just code and I hope that over time we can build a diverse community of contributors around 0x Tracker.

If you’re new to the open source world but keen to get involved I recommend the awesome Open Source Guides built by the GitHub community.

A fresh look…

In addition to going open source I’m proud to show off a new brand created by the awesome Matthew Vernon, a designer from Sydney who’s collaborated with a few familiar faces such as Set Protocol and Dharma.

You’ll start to see this new brand rolling out across various 0x Tracker channels with a UI refresh of 0xtracker.com coming soon! 💅

Where to from here?

It’s early days for 0x Tracker in open source but I’m keen to start building up momentum. There are a number of features I’d like to see built and you’ll start to see issues related to these being opened in the GitHub repositories.

The 0x team have generously offered some funding for development bounties and there will be an update on those soon. I’m also keen to work on a sustainable funding model for infrastructure going forward, so will likely be looking into services such as Patreon and Open Collective.

Times have been a little tough in the crypto space this year but development around the Ethereum ecosystem continues to plow on regardless of market sentiment. I’m excited to play a small part in all of this and build a community that’s contributing towards a brighter future. Lets do this! 🙌

For any questions about 0x Tracker you can get in touch through the official 0x Discord chat or on Twitter. If you’d like to receive updates from 0x Tracker then please subscribe below. Until next time! 👋

