0x13 Design Binge

2 min readJan 9, 2015


Today I designed three apps for the iOS book I am writing.

I could’ve posted these for 3 separate days and pretend that I designed everyday. But who am I fooling but myself?

So here they are, and I have to design something new tomorrow.

An iOS app for StartupQuote.com:

I used Origami to build the animation prototype. The data-flow paradigm is soooooooooooo awesome. I only had to build the forward transition, and got the reverse transition for free:

An image annotation app:

The third app is a game matching pairs of cards that are the same. It taunts you when you make a mistake:

Oh btw, if you are curious, the .qtz file looks like this. Notice that the tap handler is the purple node down at the bottom left. It initiates the data-flow downstream to the blue nodes, the layers that render stuff onto the screen.

