0xcert Quarterly Report — Q1 2019

7 min readApr 10, 2019


With the first quarter of 2019 well behind us, we have compiled our third quarterly report in a row and the first one of this year. To keep up with frequent updates that we regularly publish, please follow the news section on our website and subscribe to our newsletter in the footer below.


As stated in our previous Quarterly report, development and upgrading the code of our products was at the forefront of our working schedule.

Building up from the work of the final months of 2018, the first weeks of this year soon met some crucial milestones, aligned with our company development orientation and plans.


The 0xcert Roadmap and the 0xcert Whitepaper were and remain our main compass leading us forward in terms of company and product development. The 0xcert Framework continued to be in the spotlight and provided a common ground for many other milestones to come.

1. The 0xcert Framework v1.0.0. Odin

After the announcement of the 0xcert Framework release, we devoted our resources to its version v1.0.0. called Odin. Its official launch on March 21st marked a big checkmark in our Milestone plans.

The Framework is not only a big success for the 0xcert team but also represents a new approach to the development of dapps. By incorporating powerful conventions, supporting non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and all packed up in a simple yet powerful JavaScript library, the Framework allows for fast and reliable dapp development.

The 0xcert Framework is published as open-source software on GitHub and comes with thorough Framework documentation to support the development process.

The version released in Q1 allows for building decentralized apps on the Ethereum blockchain, while the upcoming versions of the Framework will enable dapp building on other decentralized systems, too, aligned with our blockchain-agnostic premise.

2. SwapMarket

After the pre-announcement in Q4 2018, our decentralized asset exchange called SwapMarket has successfully launched. It embodies a whole new approach to transferring both fungible and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) by harnessing the groundbreaking tech that provided the first-ever atomic swap of assets in bundles.

SwapMarket is also unique for providing custom and arbitrary swaps of digital assets in a decentralized way while cutting down gas fees.

While it serves as a powerful platform for the NFT collector community, it’s of great importance for 0xcert as it represents the first complete decentralized app built with the 0xcert Framework. The most powerful function provided by the Framework are atomic operations that are incorporated into SwapMarket as its core feature.

3. Wanchain integration

According to the provisions of our strategic partnership agreement with Wanchain, we’ve started building on the integration of our 0xcert Framework with the Wanchain blockchain.

Last year, we established a strategic partnership with Wanchain to expand the applicability of our protocol and the general use and adoption of decentralized applications across various blockchain systems.

Soon, we will announce the result of this work in the form of the working integration of Wanchain within the 0xcert Framework for building dapps.

This will bring two core improvements to both sides of the Wanchain-0xcert alliance:

  1. Wanchain will enable the users of the 0xcert Framework to work on cross-chain ERC-721 NFT transactions.
  2. The 0xcert Framework will allow Wanchain users to create and manage ERC-721 non-fungible and ERC-20 fungible tokens on Wanchain and to execute atomic swaps.

The 0xcert Framework was designed as a blockchain-agnostic tool for asset management, and soon after integrating Wanchain as the second blockchain, we will start adding other decentralized systems, too.


Looking back at Q4 2018 and comparing the milestone tables, it is clear that a lot has been done and achieved in the last months.

Most importantly, the 0xcert Framework v1.0.0. Odin marks the most significant change on several levels. Both in terms of Conventions and Devkit (SDK), as well as DEX and DXM implementations, the 0xcert Framework was perfected to the level of v1.

We’ve also done some major work in constituting segments like ERC-721 implementation, DEX, and DXM dapp.

As mentioned in the previous quarterly report, we’ve been working parallelly on other products, as well, to cater to market demands and potentials.


1. ERC-721 implementation v2

A few months after publishing the v2 RC1 of the ERC-721 standard implementation, the same version has been approved and confirmed as final.

The Release Candidate 1 (RC1) for version 2 (v2) of the ERC-721 standard implementation for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the Ethereum blockchain was written in collaboration with our advisor and ERC-721 lead author William Entriken and published at the beginning of 2019.

This version is optimized and reduces gas fees while retaining all the powerful functions of the ERC-721 standard.

2. Bug bounty

In order to let the developer community have their say and help us perfect our code and publications, we’ve opened two bug bounties on GitHub:

  • Bug Bounty for ERC-721 RC1: to detect issues and provide suggestions for the RC1 improvements
  • Bug Bounty for the 0xcert Framework: to expose issues and provide improvement proposals in terms of code or documentation



The agenda of Q1 has been quite rich with events, too, as we tried to seize various opportunities to present the fruits of our work to the broadest audience possible.

From Miami to our own backyard, we’ve attended three events and meetups, each with a different audience and potential.

1. BTC Conference Miami

The three-day BTC Conference Miami was quite heavily focused on Bitcoin and mainstream blockchain schemes, and 0xcert was one of the rare non-fungible projects to attend, present and exhibit.

On January 17, our CEO Kristijan Sedlak announced the launch of our 0xcert Framework for the first time to the blockchain public, which sparked quite a lot of interest that we continued building upon in the following months.

2. NFT.NYC Conference

In early February, we went to the undisputed center of global non-fungibility, the NFT.NYC Conference in New York. Alongside other pioneers of non-fungibility on the blockchain, 0xcert attended the event with a four-member team.

On the second day of the conference, our CSO Urban Osvald held a pitch about academic credentials harnessing the power of NFTs, a topic that is aligned perfectly with our work and future goals.

3. JavaScript Meetup

Alongside developing an end-customer product for the developer audience, we also strive to pave the way to broader and faster adoption by providing the tools to boost production and development of dapps.

With the goal of teaching developers how to build a decentralized application with just the use of the 0xcert Framework and their JavaScript knowledge, we organized and led the first JavaScript Meetup for the 0xcert developer community.


As before, we continue our commitment to the developer and soon-to-be-developer community by providing educational material that complements the published software updates. To address both audiences, we’ve launched two content series, one more tech-oriented and the other suitable for beginners exploring the world of dapps.

1. Dapp series

The Dapp series targets a more general audience in order to provide them with the latest insights into the technology of decentralized applications, their development and user potential.

Apart from having our starting few articles published on our website, we’re very thankful for the immense support of Dapp.com that reposted and shared them with their audience.

2. 0xcert Framework series

The aim of the 0xcert Framework series, on the other hand, is to provide support to developers diving into the development of decentralized applications using the 0xcert Framework. Since starting off with a new development framework can be overwhelming, we provide guidelines and tutorials for them to check when doubting how to proceed.

In the future, we plan to compile the articles of the series into a comprehensive and thorough guideline and publish it in various channels to boost the awareness and adoption of the 0xcert Framework.

0xcert Labs

As an addition to our work in developing open-source tools for the developer community, 0xcert has decided to support other projects and businesses with blockchain solutions, as well.

With this aim, we have launched the 0xcert Labs, an initiative to provide our expertise and experience to entrepreneurs and their projects and help them reach their target and overall growth.


The Non-fungible Alliance that we’ve established in Q3 of 2018 and that has grown substantially in Q4, has now surpassed the 100 member milestone. All the members of the alliance work in the field of non-fungibility on the blockchain in one way or another, and it’s very fulfilling to see the ecosystem expand organically.

Furthermore, our Japanese friends recognized the potential in the non-fungibility and the power of the network, which inspired them to set up the Japanese-first Non-fungible Alliance channel to cater to the non-fungible Japanese audience.

Filled with enthusiasm about our work so far, but more so about the upcoming months that will source from the above-listed building blocks, we continue pushing our plan forwards, for the benefit of the company and everybody who showed support and trust in what we do.

Onwards and upwards!

Originally published at https://0xcert.org.



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