0xcert is back from Asia!

5 min readJul 30, 2018


The 0xcert team hasn’t yet completely unpacked from the Asia tour, as we jumped right back into work this morning! So how did the tour go and what we were doing in Asia?


Straight from London Wanchain 2.0 Conference, two members of the 0xcert team, CEO Jure Zih and CCO Urban Osvald, flew in to Singapore for several important meet-ups.

First, we met with 0xcert key advisor for several very productive brainstorming sessions about our common future steps.

Another 0xcert advisor, Mark Pui, flew in to Singapore from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, just to meet with us and discuss the current and future state of events. Many thanks to Mark for such devotion!

Apart from one-on-one meetings, 0xcert also pitched at the Singapore Ethereum meetup. William Entriken, 0xcert advisor, summarized the NFT space and spoke about several use cases. 0xcert and CEO Jure Zih blew it away with a non-fungible presentation and some great networking.

Overall, Singapore is a hotbed of startups and boasts a very vibrant blockchain scene — we will definitely be back!

Hong Kong

NIFTY Conference

One part straight from Singapore, other two from Europe — Hong Kong airport opened the arrival gate for 0xcert non-fungible team several times last week.

In this beautiful home to skyscrapers, we attended NIFTY Conference, dedicated to Non-fungible tokens (NFTs), as its sponsors, speakers, and even stylists.

On the first night, after the panel discussion by CryptoKitties and others, we broke the ice and mingled with the great minds and promoters of non-fungibility on the blochchain.

On Tuesday morning, it started getting serious. We set up our non-fungible booth to hand out unique 0xcert tees, done in collaboration with our friends from KnownOrigin and Principle Network. Needless to say, they were selling (for free) like hotcakes, and soon, NIFTY got a complete 0xcert makeover.

In the morning session of panel discussions, William Entriken, 0xcert advisor and lead author of ERC-721, joined the conversation about the Future of NFT Token Standards — you can watch the complete discussion on YouTube.

Later on in the afternoon, 0xcert CCO Urban Osvald shared his views during the panel about NFTs in the real world, where 0xcert obviously has a lot to offer. More talks from NIFTY can be found on Kenetic YouTube channel.

Back at the booth, non-fungible tees were not the only asset attracting attention. More importantly, the 0xcert Protocol itself gained a lot of recognition, good thing we had enough people from the team to discuss the newest features with all the curious people attending, many of them big fans and devoted followers of 0xcert since the beginning.

On Wednesday, NIFTY audience definitely remembered 0xcert even more for William’s talk about the issues and importance of validation of NFTs. Not only did the non-fungible community learn about the potential threats to their NFT-related products due to issues with bugs, Ethereum standard or phishing, but everyone started taking out their phones when our new product, 0xcert’s ERC-721 Validator, was announced and presented live.

The afternoon brought about the best teams to participate in NIFTY hackathon, where 0xcert also stepped in as a framework support for the hackers’ projects.

And for the last take on NIFTY, 0xcert hosted the evening Non-fungible party for all the attendees of the conference, to mingle and exchange thoughts before calling it a day (or going to the next club in Hong Kong).

ERC-721 Workshop

Instead of the planned trip to Shenzhen for business meetups on Friday, 0xcert decided to give back to the community by hosting a ERC-721 workshop for a selected group of participants, and teaching about the importance of blockchain and the convenience of using it in every day life.

By the number of attendees and their feedback, this workshop was just one of many to follow!

Around 30 people filled the limited available spots in a matter of hours, and the workshop was ready to kick off high above the Hong Kong bay.

Within 3 hours with the lecturer, William Entriken, the students learned about blockchain, the ERC-721 standard, and even how to deploy their own smart contract. Resume improvements at their best!

Apart from the attendees’ excitement, we were happy to have attracted attention also from Chinese media, as they flew in straight from Shanghai to do an interview for the Chinese supporters of the 0xcert protocol and ERC-721 standard. Many kudos for such determination, and shout out to our Chinese friends!

Overall, such tour takes a lot of preparation, scheduling and frequent taxi rides from one venue to another while doing phone calls. But we would do it again in a heartbeat! And the next trip is just a matter of time.

We came back full of great memories, new contacts, and a much broader media exposure and community awareness. All this is giving us a major boost to our work and we’ll be back for more!

Stay tuned!

Originally published at 0xcert.org.



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