0xcert Protocol Solution Presented Live For the 1st Time

3 min readOct 16, 2018


Only a week after we got back from Malta, 0xcert has headed towards the South of Mediterranean again, this time for a bit more targeted engagement.

Our CEO Kristijan Sedlak has attended the Expert Workshop in the picturesque St. Julian’s Bay, joining the consortia of scholars and the cream of European educators, universities, and institutes.

Why Blockchain in Education?

The Expert Workshop was aimed at bringing together the field experts to discuss the advancement and applicability of technology in the realm of high education.

Like any other industry, public services are subject to the evolution of tech and IT, as well as influenced by digitization of internal systems and operations.

Plagiarism, fake degrees, and authenticity issues are one of its most severe challenges, while transfer and management of credentials are impacting students on a broader scope.

On several levels, blockchain technology can solve or alleviate issues regarding certification, authenticity, identity, and cross-institutional management of assets, through tokenization of digital credentials.

What can 0xcert Bring to the Table

Together with our partners, Knowledge 4 All Foundation (K4A) and the Jozef Stefan Institute (JSI), 0xcert is building a blockchain-based system for issuing and management of academic credentials, leveraging blockchain qualities of traceability, security, and ease of authentication.

Also, by implementing the NFT (non-fungible token) technology, the uniqueness, metadata, and identity related to a certificate can be securely protected on a ledger while providing all involved parties with a simple, autonomous, and intuitive means of management.

Top Scholars and Us

The event in Malta was not aimed at general public; instead, it was laser-focused on discussing niche solutions with the sector’s top representatives.

Joining our partners, Jozef Stefan Institute and Knowledge 4 All Foundation, among the attendees of the event were also Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg Heilbronn, KIC Knowledge Innovation Centre Malta, TUT-TTY Foundation, and EDEN — European Distance and E-Learning Network.

Revealing the 0xcert Solution

Following the Workshop on MetaData Standard and internal consultation, our CEO Kristijan presented the 0xcert Protocol and its application for academic credentials publicly for the first time.

Both the customized 0xcert Protocol and the front-end interface mock-up for the MicroHE’s Project of facilitating portability of microcredentials went on stage. 0xcert CEO Kristijan showcased the portability and ownership manageability of microcredentials, and discussed the vision of the final tech solution jointly with colleagues from JSI, K4A, and KIC.

Apart from the chance to present the fruits of our work, the event is also important for having provided a platform for interaction with the audience. Their first-hand views and feedback will surely help us perfect the product to serve its purpose and the project consortia to the greatest extent.

As this was one of the earliest and most revealing presentations of the 0xcert Protocol and the specific solutions we have been developing during the last few months, we are especially excited and grateful for the opportunity to do it in front of such eminent audience.

Next stops: product launch and industry adoption.

This article was originally published at 0xcert website, and has been replicated here with express permission by 0xcert.



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