Beyond CryptoKitties: ERC721 non-fungible tokens on blockchain explained

Published in
4 min readMay 2, 2018

William Entriken, the main author of ERC721 standard for non-fungible tokens on Ethereum shared his insights.

William Entriken, the main author of ERC721 standard for non-fungible tokens on Ethereum

The real world goes blockchain

William Entriken was the main highlight of the event as he explained how the next wave of blockchain’s explosive growth will be making it possible to put real world assets on the blockchain.

He electrified the crowd, as he held court talking about use case after use case where non-fungible tokens or deed tokens as he also referred to them will change the face of ownership.

It all started with a cat

Or CryptoKitties to be precise. This was the use case that non-fungible tokens needed to wake up the entire community that ERC721 was needed and that it could and would drive the industry forward.

Though as Will pointed out CryptoKitties was not built on his standard, it inspired him and he stepped up to deliver. Not only did he do that, he knocked it out of the park!

The Community is strong

We also heard of some other projects exploring current hot topics. Franci Zidar from the institute Danes je nov dan (Today is the New Day) invited everybody to participate in an experiment, parallel elections on the blockchain. Coolomat Market will use ERC721 in their online grocery market platform utilizing blockchain technology and click&collect pick-up point devices, as Damir Srpčič explained. Mitja Pirc from Datafund revealed how the new EU Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) combined with the appropriate use of decentralized technology can radically change the relationship between individuals and organizations.

They were some fantastic talks and the event in general could not have taken place without the support of the Blockchain Association of Slovenia. Though Slovenia is a small country, it has a big and vibrant blockchain scene that is often cited as on of the most advanced places to be at the moment.

Building on ERC721–0xcert bringing plug & play to the blockchain

Kristjan Sedlak, CTO of 0xcert

“I believe this year will be the year of non-fungible tokens,” Kristjan Sedlak, CTO of 0xcert said. Not only a bold statement but a declaration of intent from 0xcert to fulfill its destiny to bring an easy to use platform for anyone to build dapps on.

With the 0xcert protocol, developers will be able to build the blockchain part of their applications super fast and easy with just a few lines of code.

“We think interoperability is very important for any kind of system. We started with ERC721, but our protocol also provides conventions. This is probably the most unique part of 0xcert protocol. Conventions describe how digital assets can be converted into non-fungible tokens on the blockchain.”

0xcert has conventions for certificates, diplomas and for identities — Kristjan showed some examples, which are already being built. But there will be others, such as collectibles, warranties, etc. There are a lot of possible use cases which you can check them on 0xcert website.

If you can think of any others, just reach out to us and ask. Remember, you don’t get without asking. 😉

Time to end the knight

Wow, we have to apologize for the round table pun. If only our writing was as original as our protocol!

William Entriken, Kristjan Sedlak (0xcert), Mitja Pirc (Datafund) sat talking about the future of the blockchain in general and fielded questions from the audience.

Once the official event was over, it was time for a few beers and for Will to be hunted down by people eager to pull knowledge from one of the world’s foremost authorities on blockchain technology.

And there is more

Will is going to host an AMA very soon and it will be announced exclusively on our Telegram group, so if you want to have more knowledge dropped on you and find out what Will is doing for an encore then Join now.

Relive the amazing event with the recording from the event



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Your ID, degree, artwork or house. 0xcert-ified on the blockchain⛓→