Bločk Conference NFT Edition recap

4 min readDec 17, 2018


In case you missed it, the past weekend was all about non-fungibility for the Eastern and Central Europe. The Bločk Conference NFT Edition in Čakovec, Croatia, brought together speakers, developers, legal experts, and the general audience inspired by everything non-fungible.

Day 1

If you’re a blockchain developer (or you’d like to become one), you should have attended the dev workshops on Friday, the first day of the event. From morning till afternoon, deployment practices of NFTs and ways of managing their metadata were running through the black backgrounds of attendees’ notebooks.

Both workshops have attracted a boutique group of around 30 NFT developers, a number that made their engagement with the topic even more personal and fruitful.

Outside of the developer boiler room, we were 0xcertifying the attendees at our non-fungible stand, handing out some merch and have the by-passers learn about our work. As most of the dev community spent the day inside coding their hearts out, we were happy to engage with everyone else, as well, and let them discover what 0xcert is all about.

In between and after the development workshops, we jumped into the narrow break time slots to talk to our peers from the blockchain space — Nate Geier (EthValue), Billy Rennekamp (Bin Studio), Marko Zovko (Async Labs), among others — and gain some updates and visions of the industry at large which never comes in too handy.

Day 2

While the Friday inauguration morning was more about raw frameworks and the code, on the second day we were privileged to be rolling our presentation slides on the stage along with other non-fungible brains.

The talks were packed to the last seat, and it was great to see such enthusiasm and interest from a wider audience (there were nearly three times as many people compared to the day before) in the array of topics related to non-fungibility. We were also thrilled to find a queue of people coming to our stand after the talk our CSO Urban held earlier, and waiting in line to discuss the NFTs more in-depth, to learn more about the 0xcert protocol, and — of course — to collect some merch and to follow our social media for more updates on the matter.

The after-talks we had with hard-core coders and non-fungible projects reps (among others, we talked with George Spasov of Limechain, Grzegorz Kapkowski of CryptoVerse, and Bruno Škvorc of were productive, to say the least, and overall, the socializing breaks were a good source of some valuable insights from our industry peers.

Unfortunately for us (and luckily for the rest), we couldn’t make it to the CryptoHunt through Čakovec, the non-fungible cherry on top of the conference. But we’re confident that solving the riddles in search of NFTs around town was much fun and a great way of implementing the tech knowledge into a 3D real-life environment. And — speaking of extra touches to the event — it was nice to see the organizers collaborate with SuperRare to support and promote the crypto art, purchasable in the NFT format at a boutique digital-art exhibition.

Overall, we were pleased with the outcome of attending the Bločk both as speakers and as sponsors, as it is always a great pleasure to see a niche topic such as non-fungibility on the blockchain reach even some less-mainstream hubs of the tech space. The more people hear about it, the more will start to appreciate it. The broader the recognition, the larger the adoption.

Once again, we thank the organizers for the great work at the Bločk and all the non-fungible attendees for coming. Looking forward to the next year’s edition!

This article was originally published at and replicated here with express permission by 0xcert.



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