First 0xcert Asia Tour kicking off

2 min readJul 21, 2018


In the light of the global promotion of the 0xcert Protocol, its dapps and applicative usability, 0xcert team is proudly announcing the launch of our first non-fungible Asia Tour, with the goal to boost awareness within Asian developer community and spread the word to a broader user base.

1. Ethereum meet-up: Singapore, July 23

Ethereum Singapore Meetup is hosting the event with Indorse and 0xcert on July 23, to discuss the recent advancement and applications on Ethereum blockchain with the developer community. Of 0xcert team, CEO Jure Zih and William Entriken, Advisor at 0xcert and lead author of the ERC-721, will be presenting NFTs and protocol’s newest features. More about the event on Meetup.

2. NIFTY Conference: Hong Kong, July 24–26

In Hong Kong, 0xcert is sponsoring and will be attending the NIFTY blockchain conference, participating in two separate panel discussions. On July 25 in the morning, William Entriken, the lead author of the ERC-721 standard, will be joining the panel about the Future of NFTs, and later in the afternoon, 0xcert CCO Urban Osvald will present the practical applications of NFTs in the real world. You can find more on the agenda on NIFTY website.

Also, an extended 0xcert team will be present at our very own 0xcert booth (look for booth #3), where you could get your very own, limited edition, non-fungible T-shirt. And as a cherry on top, on the last day of NIFTY conference, 0xcert will be hosting NFT-themed 0xcert Non-fungible Party. Join us and get 0xcertified!

3. ERC-721 Workshop: Hong Kong, July 27

The third event was initially planned for July 27, in Shenzhen, aimed at developer community, to discuss the 0xcert protocol, wider adoption and NFT applicability.

Instead, we decided to put in practice our goal of bringing blockchain tech closer to ordinary people, and educating them for their own long-term benefit. Therefore, we are proudly hosting a free ERC-721 workshop with our top advisor and ERC-721 standard author, William Entriken, for a selected group of people. We believe that blockchain should be easy enough for anyone with a bit of curiosity, regardless of their background, to learn and use it on a daily basis. You can read more or apply to the event here.

See you in Asia!

Originally published at



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