Highlights from 0xcert’s visit to Hong Kong: Token2049 & EuroBlockShow

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4 min readApr 17, 2018
0xcert CEO Jure Zih and Head of Community Urban Osvald at Token2049.

Our CEO Jure Zih and Head of Community Urban Osvald have recently visited Token2049, the largest blockchain and cryptocurrency event in Asia. It is an unrivaled meetup of the blockchain and crypto enthusiasts, builders, entrepreneurs and investors, not just from Asia, but from all over the world. And what an inspiring event it was! An incredible line up of speakers and excellent networking opportunities with more than a thousand attendees, no wonder the event was sold out weeks before. Here are some highlights.

It was a very productive event for the 0xcert team. Jure and Urban met with 30 potential investors, interested into 0xcert open-source protocol for certified non-fungible tokens on the blockchain.

Furthermore they met with numerous partners that see a potential in building on top of 0xcert protocol, among them Gift Off Tokens, the largest digital gift card retailer in Europe.

0xcert’s development partners can be found in a variety of blockchain projects and we believe that the partnerships bring synergy and benefits to the blockchain community as a whole. We talked with Wanchain, which is creating a new financial market of digital assets by implementing cross-chain transfers across different blockchains. Although we’ve built 0xcert protocol on Ethereum blockchain, our aim is to be blockchain agnostic, so that it can be implemented on other blockchains as well and Wanchain would be a perfect fit.

0xcert pitch at EuroBlockShow

After Token2049, Jure pitched at a more private and exclusive event at EuroBlockShow with a few more Slovenian teams, including Eventum, Cherr.io, Eligma and Autorize. There is nothing better then getting positive feedback directly from the audience, which only further proves that we are on the right path.

Highlights of Token2049

Unfortunately, because of the busy schedule — Jure and Urban had meetings all day — they did not have much time to listen to all the insightful speakers and panels at Token2049, however, they were able to wrap-up some highlights.

Day 1

The need for self-regulation

Brian Kelly, CEO BKCM opened the event, emphasizing we are the self governing bodies who are working together towards making the world better via blockchain.

The need for self-regulation was raised by other speakers as well.

The social impact of the blockchain

Blockchain is an impactful technology, as Vanessa Grellet from ConsenSys showed.

China has an important place in the token economy

It’s hard to evaluate tokens, however Chris Burniske gave as a comprehensive analysis

Chris Burniske on how to evaluate tokens.

Building the compliance ready blockchain

Day 2

The second day was all about how the blockchain and token economy will look like in 2049 as the title of the conference indicated. It started with Simon Dixon, looking into the past, present and future of token economy.

The panelists at the panel Banking The Unbanked vs CryptoKitties: Blockchain And Its Application Today discussed different applications on blockchain today.

Although CryptoKitties cannot change the world, it was a ground-breaking project as it was the first use-case of ERC-721 token, the non-fungible token, which we believe will start a new revolution on the blockchain.

Jimmy Song: Bitcoin is antifragile

The incredible presentation by Jimmy Song, the Bitcoin Core Contributor gave us hope. Jimmy is sure ecosystem is bound to grow stronger the more people try to act against it.

We had the chance to meet Jimmy Song.

Blockchain industry needs interoperability

Cardano CEO spoke about how to build the third generation blockchains.

Let’s sum up with a video by the organizers.

Hong Kong was an intensive and inspiring event, a great start of introducing 0xcert to the world. The next global event in our calendar is World Blockchain Forum in Dubai, updates from Dubai coming soon, stay tuned.

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