NFT.NYC Conference Recap

4 min readFeb 21, 2019


Yesterday, New York was the undisputed center of global non-fungibility with the NFT.NYC Conference kicking off. The 0xcert team, represented by CEO Kristijan Sedlak, CSO Urban Osvald, and blockchain developer Tadej Vengust arrived at the never-sleeping city a day before and dove right into it.

Day 1

First thing in the morning, we went downtown to meet Devin Finzer of OpenSea and later, the Bitski team and CEO Donnie Dinch.

For the third meetup of the day, we sat down with Arnold Waldstein, the honorary member of our Non-fungible Alliance. All the meetings went great, and soon, we had to head to the NFT.NYC venue, the PlayStation Theater on Times Square, for the welcome dinner.

The whole NFT community was very warmly welcomed by Jodee Rich, a well-known NFT supporter and for 0xcert, a familiar face since the Nifty conference in Hong Kong last year. It was evident that we share a strong passion for the NFTs and overall, his speech was an expression of appreciation we haven’t heard in a while at conferences of this scale.

Day 2

Wednesday has been a long but data-rich day. The schedule was packed from early morning till late in the afternoon, and still, not all possible topics have been covered.

We tried to check in to as many talks as we could, and it was great to listen to speakers from all walks of the NFT space and their inspiring and exciting insights.

One of the panelists in the discussion about VC funding NFT projects, Jeremy Gardner of Ausum argued that NFTs will be the catalyst for mass crypto adoption, and we definitely agree and support this statement.

Later, he expressed hope to see developers, especially those in the gaming industry, to solve the interoperability problem. Fun fact — we already achieved that with the 0xcert Framework.

Lou Kerner of CryptoOracle and one of the most influential writers in the crypto world came forward with a bold statement, saying that FAMGA (i.e., the largest US companies by market cap, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Amazon) has actually no community, whereas the crypto does, and this is a unique advantage the FAMGA can’t leverage.

We were blown away by the graphic representation of the growth of the NFT market by Gauthier Zuppinger of To all the naysayers doubting the potential of NFTs, we recommend checking their charts. Transactions are increasing which is obviously a positive signal for NFTs, especially considering the effects of the bear market.

Some bullish feel was also notable in the talk of Cyrus Lohrasbpour, one of the first investors to OpenSea, recognizing the potential of the artwork tokenized as NFTs. According to him, tokenized artwork holds characteristics similar to money and currency, and we’re excited to see the fulfillment of this prediction.

In the late afternoon, we moved a few rows closer to the stage as our CSO Urban Osvald held a pitch about academic credentials harnessing the power of NFTs.

Amongst other talks that frequently touched the very popular fields of gaming and art, this was seemingly a less attractive topic, but it was important for us to show the variety of NFT applications and the potential for new business models that are needed but have yet to be built.

One of the important parts of the conference was also the workshop held by William Entriken, the lead author of the ERC-721 standard, helping beginner developers explore and build effective and powerful smart contracts using NFTs. We’re looking forward to the growth of the NFT space that the workshop sparked!

Of course, there were so many other great talks and presenters that deserve a mention, but listing all would extend this article to a mile. Still, kudos to all for adding their piece to the non-fungible puzzle.

Overall, with over 400 non-fungible aficionados in the audience plus more than 60 speakers sharing the stage, the event was a fantastic boiling pot of non-fungible topics, minds, and projects.

At this point, we’d like to honor the effort and hard work of the event organizers. From the opening speech to the closing remarks, they really showed their dedication and attention to details for both the attendees and the speakers.

Once again, we thank the NFT.NYC Conference for the invite and their warm hospitality. Looking forward to the 2nd edition!

Originally published at



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