Meet us at NIFTY, Hong Kong

2 min readJul 16, 2018


In a few days, 0xcert team will be attending the NIFTY Conference in Hong Kong, along with some of the biggest players in the non-fungible space.

The 3-day event will be co-hosted by Kenetic and Decentraland, and co-organized by CryptoKitties. 0xcert is supporting the conference as a Sponsor.

Topic and focus

The aim of the NIFTY conference is to bring together developers, entrepreneurs, and investors to elaborate on the future of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), collectibles, and the potential of blockchainizing the uniqueness of assets. With joined forces, NIFTY is building on expanding the consumer market and the community that is employing blockchain technology.

The core of the conference discussion will be non-fungibility, a recent advancement in blockchain technology, and its application in the widest sense possible: from NFTs in crypto games, through tokens standards on different platforms and NFT economy, to building secure dapps and hosting ERC-721 metadata workshop.

Among the best

Among the speakers at NIFTY, several renowned names will be representing various industry giants, such as HTC,, MadHive, Decentraland, Coinbase, Kenetic, GameToken, 0x Project, Codex Protocol, RareBits, Ethereum Foundation, Neon District, and others.

0xcert will have its say, too, with our top advisor, William Entriken, the main author of the ERC-721 standard, presenting the future of the NFTs on July 25, 9:45AM local time.

Also, 0xcert’s CEO, Jure Zih, will be joining the panel discussion about NFT extensibility and interoperability, on July 26, at 3PM local time.

On a practical note…

Alongside the conference, NIFTY will also be hosting the first Blockchain Games & NFTs Hackathon, aimed at attracting more than 600 developers to focus on leveraging new technologies and standards, and combining them into practical applications.

Find us at our non-fungible booth

0xcert is attending the conference with 5 members of the team, and will be presenting the 0xcert protocol at our very own booth.

Not only will you be able to chat with 0xcert team and take selfies with us, we will hand out some non-fungible swag for you to take home, as well. In collaboration with KnownOrigin and Principle Network, and especially for participants of NIFTY, 0xcert created a limited edition of unique, non-fungible T-shirts, for you to show the world your one-of-a-kind self.

0xcert is already packing our bags, pack yours too and meet us at NIFTY!

NIFTY Conference: July 24–25

NIFTY Hackathon: July 26

Originally published at



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