New version of the ERC-721 implementation provided by 0xcert

2 min readJan 4, 2019


Time for changes and improvements has kicked off with the New Year. And the non-fungible world is no exception.

Important news for all the developers using and referring to the ERC-721 standard.

0xcert has recently released the Release Candidate 1 (RC1) for version 2 (v2) of the ERC-721 standard implementation for non-fungible tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.

$ npm install 0xcert/ethereum-erc721@2.0.0-rc1

With the RC1, we are providing a new implementation of the ERC-721 that is more optimized and saves on gas fees while retaining the same functionalities the standard has already established.

We have refactored some parts of the current implementation of the ERC-721. The RC1 is published for review by the interested public, you may find it here.

Until confirmation of the RC1 that would update the standard’s implementation into the v2, the current ERC-721 v1 continues to be the main and the latest confirmed version. Even after the confirmation of the new version proposal, all the functionalities will remain the same for developers but with optimized code.

0xcert thus continues to mark the development of the non-fungible space, first by developing the first valid reference implementation of the ERC-721 standard, and just recently by improving it for the benefit of developers.

This article has been originally published at and replicated here with express permission by 0xcert.



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