[NFT Spotlight #4] Mokens, helping you create and compose NFTs

6 min readNov 1, 2018


The 0xcert NFT Spotlight Series is aimed at bringing to light the 50 shades of non-fungibility. From games to cards, and from protocols to supporting services, there is no shortage of uniqueness.

Mokens and one of the co-founders Haley Summers are starring in the forth edition.

📢 What are Mokens and who started it?

It’s a platform perfect for all the crypto goods aficionados who value personalization and customized touch. Not only does Mokens provide a place for you to own and store your crypto-collectibles — it also enables you to form a new asset from zero and upload it, and then even mint or tokenize it as a moken on the Ethereum blockchain.

For all of you who would want to tokenize and blockchainize their treasured goods — check out the Mokens platform, co-founded and managed by Nick Mudge, Haley Summers and Brian Flynn, who live and breathe non-fungibility.

💪 What nut are they cracking?

Since precious goods can literally be anything for anyone, then why not tokenize a thing that is only and truly yours, an asset you made or designed and no one has seen nor used yet. We all know of CryptoKitties, but their design cannot even be altered that much. Mokens offers and allows anyone to create and tokenize their assets, leaving a mark of their individuality on the blockchain.

What’s more, Mokens has Cryptokitties, too. They can be composed to your non-fungible Mokens, building an ERC-998 composable crypto-collectible.

🔧 How to mint your Moken?

The Mokens platform is where you upload your asset, give it an ID or a name. Using MetaMask and for a small fee, you mint the ERC-721-compliant non-fungible token on the Ethereum blockchain. From there, it’s all yours, you can decide to either keep it or trade it on exchanges, or compose it to one of your CryptoKitties.

You upload your asset on Mokens platform and name it or give it an ID. A small fee and MetaMask will enable you to mint an ERC-721-compliant non-fungible token on the Ethereum blockchain. Smooth sailing from then on — it’s all yours and you determine its future — whether to keep it, exchange it, or compose it to your CryptoKitties.

⛓️ Mokens in action

The Mokens website is very clear-cut — it does the job without any fluff. After the intro, you can sway the Mokens minter to turn your precious into an NFT, and all that by typing the info in just a few fields. Next, there is a clickable record of all the minted mokens which leads into composing options. You really are just a few clicks away from creating customized NFTs.

Mokens’ Haley Summers knocked our socks off with her detailed answers to our fungible questions.

Seeing such visionary mindsets and attentive perspectives we’re confident the future of the NFT space is in very safe hands. Thumbs up, Haley!

1. What do you expect to see in 10-years time in the non-fungible field? The most creative answers count double.

In 10 years time, most of the crypto world is hoping to achieve a certain level of mass adoption. I think this is a loft goal, but a reasonable one we can achieve. In this future, I expect that non-fungible tokens will be the most common form of digital assets people interact with on a daily basis. NFTs have inherent value based off of their usefulness, not its store of value. Packaging and transmitting data in meaningful ways is where the NFT revolution will thrive, and the rest of society will thrive with it. However, I am also prepared for a world in 10 years time where the term non-fungible tokens only mean something to decentralists. The rest of the world will shake their head and call us cyber-punks as we continue building a better future for those who would choose to join us.

The term NFT and its surrounding language have to undergo a major transformation before a mass adoption takes places. More useful language will enable us to teach non-fungibles in a manner that is more quickly understood. I think thank language is the biggest obstacle we need to overcome in order to NFTs to be an integral part of blockchain technologies 10 years down the road.

2. In terms of other NFT projects, which one would you nominate for a Golden Globe and why?

CryptoRome! One, they are trying to reconstruct society virtually, and two, they just integrated an NFT horse from another game with shared attributes of speed in each game.

When we play games, whether it be in the physical world or the virtual world, we follow real-world constructs. CryptoRome has taken the idea of play and put in a historical society that mimics many of the same social constructs we encounter in the physical world. Making NFTs work in CryptoRome’s mini-society shows us how these digital assets can be interacted with in real-world events. Integrating digital assets that retain their properties across platforms is exactly how real-world assets behave. CryptoRome is taking play seriously. And that is exactly why they get the NFT Golden Globe!

3. What would you rather have — your pet cat tokenized on the blockchain or a tangible, strokable 3D-version of your favorite crypto-asset?

Well, I already immortalized my PitBull on the blockchain when I minted Moken 1 — Brown Sugga The Pitbull.

Maybe I could upload some 3D interactions with my pup so that I could truly play with her! And then I would make my dog hang out with me in a virtual living room of Decentraland and then have my Pitbull protect me in CryptoRome when we are in a battle!

4. A CryptoKitty and an Axie enter the ring. Who wins?

I played college rugby, and I learned great players have what I call The 3 S’s: Speed, Strength, and Smarts. So I must apply that logic to CryptoKitties and Axies. The sports breakdown for the average CryptoKittie or Axie would look like this, in my humble opinion:

Perceived Average Ability:

1 = low
2 = medium
3 = high

Based on this HARD science, I would conclude that the average CryptoKitty would win over the average Axie. But don’t be fooled! The hard work Axies put into battles on their off-time makes them a formidable opponent against any naturally gifted CryptoKitty!

5. Finish the joke: “A Moken walks into a bar…”

…orders a drink, and takes a seat next to the Non-Fungible Token that has been giving flirtatious glances.

The Moken says, “I saw you giving me the ‘top-down.’

The NFT says, “‘Bottom-Ups’, ‘Composable!


This is my best shot at a joke about ERC-998, lol. Background here.

A big thank you to Hailey for such an extensive, smart, and funny contribution! The bar for non-fungible Q&A session has just been raised a bit higher.

Learn more about Mokens on:

Their website // Reddit // Twitter // Medium

For more perspectives on the NFT space and its future evolution, check out the other episodes of the NFT Spotlight Series:

NFT Spotlight #1 — Kette.io, protecting your NFTs
NFT Spotlight #2 — CryptoDecks, trackers of non-fungible values
NFT Spotlight #3 — KnownOrigin, the non-fungible art platform
NFT Spotlight #5 — OpenSea, customizable NFT marketplace
NFT Spotlight #6 — CryptoCarz, VR racing on the blockchain

This article originally appeared on the 0xcert website and has been replicated here with express permission by 0xcert.



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