[NFT Spotlight #6 ] CryptoCarz, VR racing on the blockchain



The 0xcert NFT Spotlight Series is aimed at bringing to light the 50 shades of non-fungibility. From games to cards, and from protocols to supporting services, there is no shortage of uniqueness.

The sixth post of the series introduces CryptoCarz project to the non-fungible 0xcert audience and beyond. (For more interviews, read through to the end of the post.)

📢 What’s the thing about CryptoCarz?

CryptoCarz is a VR multiplayer racing game built on the Ethereum network. The team behind CryptoCarz is certain that VR gaming — and the experience of it — will be crucially influenced by the blockchain tech.

💪 What nut are they cracking?

The CryptoCarz team believes that gaming is up for a transformation by three techs: blockchain, e-sports, and VR — each of the three predicts a paradigm shift for game development and consumption in their own way. All in all, the gaming technology will become even more individual, comprehensive and immersive. The blending of all three technologies will enable the contexts where users-gamers could own, alter, exchange and play in a unique way.

🔧 How are they doing it?

In order to race a car in the game, a gamer has to prove his ownership of a vehicle, modeled as an ERC-721 NFT and stored in the gamer’s wallet. The user then uploads their car via MetaMask (or some other) extension into the game. In the words of PCMag, “it’s CryptoKitties meets Fast & Furious.”

⛓️ CryptoCarz in action

You can browse through the gallery of the CryptoCarz or even race with them. If you prefer, you can also invite your friends to the virtual car show and interchange the experience of racing. If racing is not your cup of tea, you can just own and admire them in your blockchain garage.

❓ Non-fungible Q&A

Obviously, CryptoCarz team believes in merging technologies to provide unique experiences. But how about the general non-fungible sphere — in what shape do they see it?

John Mandeville, CCO at CryptoCarz, joined us for the interview.

1. What do you expect to see in 10-years time in the non-fungible field? The most creative answers count double.

Every consumer interaction with creative content will be guided by a smart contract — they will be using NFTs, but they won’t even know it. Musicians will rent their music en masse or will sell unique commissions. The same economic structure will guide film, art, concert tickets, season passes, gaming, fractional real estate ownership, you name it.

2. In terms of other NFT projects, which one would you nominate for a Golden Globe and why?

We would definitely nominate Decentraland, they are building a decentralized world where ownership and content can be enforced by blockchain, and they are also incubating a lot of projects building a product in there. They already are the NFT project with the most traction, and we see this just getting better.

3. What would you rather have — your pet cat tokenized on the blockchain or a tangible, strokable 3D-version of your favorite crypto-asset?

CryptoCarz is bringing together blockchain and VR, so we are duty-bound to opt for the latter.

4. A CryptoKitty and an Axie enter the ring. Who wins?

They jump on a CryptoCarz instead and start a race.

5. Finish the joke: “A CryptoCar drives into a bar…

…and gets a glass of water. After all, it is dangerous to drink and drive!”


We appreciate John’s involvement and answers, we’re glad to see such an impressive project like CryptoCarz take part in our non-fungible series.

Make sure you get a CryptoCar of your own and enjoy the VR ride! Find them on:

Website // Twitter // Medium // Telegram // Facebook

Check out other interviews of the non-fungible series:

NFT Spotlight #1 — Kette.io, protecting your NFTs
NFT Spotlight #2 — CryptoDecks, trackers of non-fungible values
NFT Spotlight #3 — KnownOrigin, the non-fungible art platform
NFT Spotlight #4 — Mokens, helping you create and compose NFTs
NFT Spotlight #5 — OpenSea, customizable NFT marketplace

This article originally appeared on the 0xcert website and has been replicated here with express permission by 0xcert.



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