Web3 Summit Recap

4 min readOct 25, 2018


We just landed on the home ground, coming from the Web3 Summit in Berlin, and here are some outtakes from the event as we saw it.

Berlin turned into the Mecca of development this week. One thousand developers gathered to present and learn from the latest projects, groundbreaking ideas, and fresh upgrades of the industry.

The theme of the Web3 Summit was decentralization of the web, and we were eager to learn first-hand about what will the following months bring to the field.

Day 1

We noticed quite soon that — apart from developers — the event attracted a number of other experts, too, as we meet a few representatives of various major corporations eager to dive into the topic. Higher cross-industry adoption only leads to more value for the whole ecosystem.

Starting off with the governance workshop, the topic was quite interesting, but with still many enigmas in the field, it’s hard to talk about solid examples of decentralized governance. Nevertheless, a significant amount of work has been done and continues to address this question.

A presentation about a token curated registry, something we also talk about on our blog, came up next. The discussion around it was inspiring and we particularly liked the showcased working demo.

In general, not many talks were related to non-fungibility, however, we encountered a substantial interest from our peers looking for ways to work with the ERC-721 and employ the 0xcert protocol.

Day 2

The night before, we were programming until 1am, boosted by the knowledge and insights we gained during the first day. Yet we still managed to arrive to the venue right on time for the discussion about blockchain privacy and private computation. Many of the topics were aligned with our perspectives, so we will be considering these new traits in our work, too.

During Cryptokitties’ time on stage, there were some interesting bits on autonomous smart contracts and eliminating the need of fixing it after deployment.

Polkadot’s presentation was quite inspiring, and judging by the audience, customized and personalized blockchains are speaking to many people.

We had a long discussion with the StorJ team, about tech, code, and potential collaboration. We loved to see the work they have achieved so far, and we soon found common denominators and chances to join forces.

Another day rolled out super fast, and we spent the night the same way as the one before — coding.

Day 3

The final day of the Web3Summit lined up some intriguing talks about the future of the decentralized world. We loved Gitcoin’s presentation, as we found their vision to be completely in line with ours.

The development of a web assembly was also an inspiring initiative, hopefully, it would leverage a great influence in the future.

The talk about the governance in a decentralized world served with many valuable points. We took detailed notes since we would like to provide optimized governance mechanisms both in our applications and in the protocol in general.

The topic of governance was the fuel for the intriguing panel discussion and a battle of opinions by great minds — Arthur Breitman (Tezos), Gavin Wood (Parity Technologies and Polkadot) and Vlad Zamfir (Ethereum Foundation).

For the rest of the day, we joined the talks about decentralized exchanges, a workshop for running a full node and using the Web 3.0, and a showcase of a Metamask-like mechanism.

Tech — Adopted

Overall, we were impressed by the organization and the venue of this event.

The core topic of the conference was creating and contributing to the next level of the web — Web 3.0: infrastructure at different levels, from blockchain as the base, through higher-level protocols, to browsers that allow the Web 3.0 to work and create value. From our standpoint, the 0xcert protocol could be of use either on the bottom or the middle layer of the blockchain-based Web 3.0, serving as a simplifier of decentralized development.

With bankers, entrepreneurs, and corporation joining an event primarily inviting developers, it is obvious that the interest in blockchain application and cross-industry adoption is increasing.

Events such as Web3Summit are an ideal platform to bring the tech minds and the executive powers together, allowing them to find common ground and to contribute to the adoption of the developed tech.

This article was originally published at 0xcert.org, and has been replicated here with express permission by 0xcert.



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