The Genesis Expedition: Intuition Elements

A foray into some of the building blocks of Intuition

3 min readOct 30, 2023



You arrive on land at last, looking around to see the ships once surrounding you all at anchor on the harbor. You ponder the words that appeared in a mere whisper as you approached this mysterious haven from the treacherous seas behind. ‘The Atlas is now yours to create’ echoes through your mind… Where did this strange voice emanate from? What do these words mean? How exactly will you harness this power once left dormant within yourself? You spiral, thinking of all the ways to approach this seemingly boundless task. In this period of extreme self retrospective it hits you. You now know what you must do, the task at hand is daunting but you know that the outcome of creating the Atlas will change the trajectory of the future of all. It is time to build.

Seeker, Welcome to the Atlas.

Now is the time to spawn the main component, the life-blood of the Atlas….

As mentioned in Intro to The Atlas, we believe it is important to keep conversation flowing to achieve community coalescence. One tactic we plan to employ to achieve this comes in the form of “Expeditions”, or curated experiences around specific topics that may come in the form of blog posts, Twitter threads or spaces, podcasts, quests, events, or anything in between.

🏔️ Expeditions — Focused community directives
Expeditions will involve targeted discussion that last for some period of time (depending on the scope), and can be run by anyone — though we will be doing our best to host them whenever necessary to ensure that there is sufficient momentum and adequate things to talk about. If you’d like to host an Expedition or contribute to a specific topic within one, please do (permissionlessly)! The Atlas is meant for all of us to own, together. Though if you’d like some hand-holding or want to collab, the doors of Intuition are always open — so please do not hesitate to reach out.

➡️ Embarking on the [Elements] Expedition
The first Expedition, hosted by Intuition (extend an arm if you’d like to co-host / collaborate), will cover some of the basics of the intersection we find ourselves out. This Expedition — dubbed the “Elements” campaign — will focus on the following four essential categories of thought, laying a foundation for subsequent conversations:

  • Identity
  • Reputation
  • Social Graphs
  • Knowledge Graphs

Every week for 4 weeks, we will attempt to stir up conversation around one of these topics through various means. The goal is to get the conversation flowing so that future participants may have an equal frame of reference from which to participate in the conversation moving forward.

Our current plan is to subsequently progress through other foundational topics that are important to grok when operating in this space, though if others have topics they would like to cover, we’d absolutely love others to step in and stir up conversation and engagement through novel thought!

🔎 Our First Topic: [Decentralized] Identity
Within the Elements Expedition, the first topic we will be focusing on is the very broad field of “identity”. We’ll be kicking things off with a blog post tomorrow (10/31) to get the conversation started, and will be following it up with a host of other content and activities.

⁉️ Where is This Happening Again?
Though conversation is meant to occur anywhere you’d like, we have created The Atlas Forum to consolidate the more structured, academic discourse, and to provide a map to where the action is happening at any given point in time. We encourage you to hop in, join the conversation, and keep an eye out for the things to come!

“Apply yourself both now and in the next life. Without effort, you cannot be prosperous. Though the land be good, you cannot have an abundant crop without cultivation” -Plato

-Tibor & the Intuition team [edited by 0xbilly]

