Sophia Skobeleva
Published in
2 min readSep 12, 2018



Humankind is rapidly spreading among the stars. Nothing can stop our colonization of the Galaxy. Or at least that’s what we prefer to believe in. Earth is not the only planet with a sentient life on it — no doubt about that any more — but is one of those few civilizations of which have managed to survive the tumultuous and sometimes even suicidal “coming-of-age” process. Others might not have been so lucky.

Would people of the (recently discovered) planet now known as Smolder be able to reach distant stars if not for disastrous and fatal internal wars? We’ll never find out. We can only contemplate now. And draw certain conclusions, just like captain Lucas George, who was the leader of the Smolder expedition and refused outright to talk about his experiences:

“I… well, I was shocked, okay? No one should ever see something like that. And to think we could do the same with ourselves in the past, when all those countries and coalitions of Earth constantly fought each other. Terrible. As for Smolder, I cannot give you any details right now. It is classified information and it’s better be. Sorry…”

Let’s hope we’ll learn more about Smolder soon. And won’t repeat mistakes of the past ever again.

